José Manuel González Fernandez de Sevilla
Universidad de Alicante

Mankind and Auto de acusación del género humano

Auto de acusación del género humano is an example of Iberian morality drama which has been praised by its dramatic vigour and ingenious structure. It shares some dramatic features and theatrical elements with Mankind, one of the most well-known morality plays. Both are product of medieval Christian culture and both are rooted in the traditional matter of didactic and moral works. The temptation scenes play a relevant role in the development of the dramatic action. They greatly contribute to increase the theatricality of the two plays which can be seen in the representation of the forces of evil. The antithetical structure of these moral plays is most effectively performed when Mankind and Género Humano are attacked by Titivillus and Lucifer respectively. Both plays are concerned with Christian doctrine and principles in order to reinforce Christian beliefs and to show the new secular values in a new cultural and social context.