(Authors in attendance 17:45 – 18:30)


GPS for subsidence detection, the case study of Aguascalientes

R. Esquivel, A. Hernández and M. E. Zermeño




Geodetic and Geophysical repeated measurements in geodynamic polygons of Estonia

Tarmo Kall and Tõnis Oja





Aerial digital photogrammetric monitoring for landslide susceptibility mapping

A. González-Díez, J. Cardenal, J. Delgado, J. Remondo, A. Felicísimo, Ch.J. Chung, A. Fabbri, A. Soares, R. Díaz de Terán, E. Francés, L. Salas, E. Mata, J. Bonaechea and I. Olague








Geodesic inspection of unstable slopes. Importance of the representative  refraction index to estimate the distance with milimetric accuracy

R. Ferrer Torío, M. del Jesús Clemente, A. Vinuesa Lozano, R. Pereda García and Mª L. Ruiz Bedia







Geodesic inspections using distance measurements. Application to the Dam of la Cohilla (Cantabria, Spain)

R. Ferrer Torío, B. Piña Patón, J.M. de Luis Ruiz, Mª L. Ruiz Bedia and V. Bayarri Cayón




Microgeodesy aimed to set deformations in a false tunnel. Application to caviedes tunnel in the Cantabrian highway. Strech: Cabezon-Lamadrid (Cantabria, Spain)

R. Ferrer Torío, Mª J. Borque Arancón, J. Mª Sánchez Espeso, E. Castillo López and R. Pereda García







Implantation of geodetic networks of high precision for the monitoring of deformations of the crust at the local level: corrections of the geodynamic intrinsic factors

Niel Nascimento Teixeira and Luiz Danilo Damasceno Ferreira







Detection and analysis of vertical displacement using GPS

Niel Nascimento Teixeira




Statistical testing of point displacements in the geodetic network

Simona Savsek-Safic and Tomaz Ambrozic





Permanent monitoring of “La miel” viaduct construction proccess: deck pushing and piers

Javier Mª Sánchez Espeso, Pedro Sierra García and Rafael Ferrer Torío






Deformation analysis to study erosion in sloped olive orchards

M.I. Ramos Galán, A.J. Gil Cruz and F.R. Feito Higueruela




Vertical displacement measured by GPS and surface loading effects

G. Ferhat, P. Gegout and J.P Boy





Geodetic control of the present tectonic deformation of the Betic Cordillera

P. Alfaro, E.B. Blázquez, M.J. Borque, A. Estévez, M. Garrido, A.J. Gil, J. Giménez, M.C. de Lacy, S. Molina, G. Rodríguez-Caderot, A.M Ruiz, M. Ruiz-Morales and C. Sanz de Galdeano








Gravity constraints to subduction across the Calabrian Arc

Elisa Spelta, Anna Maria Marotta, Riccardo Barzaghi, Alessandra Borghi  and  Catia Rizzetto





Deformation models for the Deception island

M. Berrocoso, A. Fernández-Ros, and M. E. Ramírez




Investigation of a building’s response in tunnel excavation

George D. Georgopoulos




Ground surface settlements due to underground works

Elisavet Telioni




GEODAC contribution for understanding the kinematics of the Iberian Peninsula and North Morocco
R.M.S. Fernandes, L. Bastos, B.A.C. Ambrosius and Susanna Zerbini






GNSS/GPS/LPS based Online Control and Alarm System (GOCA) - Mathematical Models and Technical Realisation of a System for Natural and Geotechnical Deformation Monitoring and Hazard Prevention –

Francisco Gonzalez and Reiner Jäger








The number before authors’ names means number of board foreseen to a given poster