Guidelines for Papers: 

All papers submitted to before 31 May 2005 and accepted after the peer-review process will be published in the hardcover IAG/Springer series.

Papers must be written in English as a Microsoft Word document. Maximum number of pages per paper is 8 including references, Black&white figures, etc. (12 pages for invited papers). Here are the Typing Instructions . In case of doubt, check the sample paper .

Guidelines for Abstracts: 

      Abstracts should stress objectives, results and conclusions. In addition to that, please add the authors' names, affiliations, phone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses. Send the abstract as an attachment to before October 15, 2004, indicating your preference for oral or poster presentation.

      Receipt of abstracts will be acknowledged within seven days. You will be notified of acceptance within four weeks after the deadline.

     Abstracts must be written in English as a Microsoft Word document with the following rules:

     Margins: left and right 2 cm, top and bottom 3 cm
     Font: Times New Roman
     Tittle: Capital letters, Bold, 14 pt
     Affiliations: Italics, 12 pt
     Abstract: 12 pt (minimum of 100 and no more than 500 words)
     Keywords: Bold, 12 pt

     You will be contacted via e-mail regarding the status of your abstract. All correspondence will be conducted via e-mail with the first author, so please, ensure that your e-mail address is accurate at the time of submission.

     Presenters of selected abstracts are required to register and pay the appropriate fee for the symposium.