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PME Stochastics Teaching and Learning Discussion Group

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Contador    PME Stochastics Teaching and Learning Discussion Group

From the early research into stochastic thinking, notably the seminal investigation into probability understanding by Piaget and Inhelder two major strands of research have developed, which have gradually expanded to include statistics and combinatorics. One has been concerned mainly with psychological aspects, particularly decision-making in an uncertain environment, the other mainly with pedagogical aspects.

The PME Stochastics Working Group was established in 1997 with the specific aim to link these two research streams and to bring to PME researchers in statistical education in areas such as Psychology, Education and Statistics. Its aim is to serve as a focus for members interested in the psychology of the teaching and learning of probability, statistics and combinatorics. It maintains an informal network between PME Conferences by means of an electronically distributed newsletter. It particularly seeks to bring together interested people from all language groups, and does its best to provide translation facilities as appropriate.



Dani Ben-Zvi, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Antonio Estepa, University of Jaén, Spain

Brian Greer, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland

John Truran, University of Adelaide, Australia

Kath Truran, University of South Australia, Australia

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Last update: December, 2000
This site is maintained by Antonio Estepa