Inglés Portugués Español


The participants: the University students, preferentially of the last years of studies, of the faculties of Social education, Psychology, Social work, Psychopedagogical education, the professionals of the active working centers and ONGs, the professors of the Universities and investigators, the parents, members of educational society.

The certificates: To all the persons subscribed in this activity who assist 80% or more of the lectures the certificate of 30 hours will be issued. For the Professors who wish to have the certificates of attendance the certificates will be asked to the Department of the education of the region Andalucia. The participants who wish will be able to get the correspondence of 1,5 credits of free configuration.

Communications: The suggestions of presential and not presential types until the 31th of January.

The officials languages: The speeches can be presented in english, spanish and portuges.

The place and date of the celebration:
Salón de Actos de IFEJA (Institución Ferial de Jaén).
23071 - Jaén.
How to get to IFEJA