Basic Bibliography

Islam in England

Barthelemy, Anthony G. 1987. Black Face, Maligned Race. The Representation of Blacks in English Drama from Shakespeare to Southerne. Baton Rouge & London: Lousiana State U. P.

Bath, M. y D. Russell. 1999. Deviceful Settings: The English Renaissance Emblem and its Contexts. New York: AMS Press.

Blanks, David R. & Michael Frasetto 1999. Western Views of Islam in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Perception of Other. New York: St Martin's Press.

Breslow, M.A. 1970. A Mirror of England: English Puritan Views of Foreign Nations, 1618-1640. Cambridge: Harvard U. P.

Burton, Jonathan 2005. Traffic and Turning: Islam and English Drama, 1579-1624. Newark: U. of Delaware P.

Chew, Samuel 1937. The Crescent and the Rose. Oxford: Oxford U. P.

D'Amico, Jack 1991. The Moor in English Renaissance Drama. Tampa: U. of South Florida P.

Dimmock, Matthew. 2005. New Turkes. Dramatizing Islam and the Ottomans in Early Modern England. London: Ashgate.

Fuchs, Barbara 2000. "Faithless Empires: Pirates, Renegadoes and the English Nation" English Literary History, 67: 45-69.

Hadfield, A. 1998. Literature, Travel and Colonial Writing in the English Renaissance 1545-1625. Oxford: Claredon P.

Hall, Kim F. 1995. Things of Darkness. Economies of Race and Gender in Early Modern England. Ithaca & London: Cornell U. P.

Hendricks Margo y Patricia Parker eds. 1994. Women, ‘Race' and Writing in the Early Modern Period. London & New York: Routledge.

Hoenselaars, Ton 1992. Images of Englishmen and Foreigners in the Drama of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson U.P.

Jones, Eldred 1965. Othello's Countrymen. London: Oxford U. P.

Kamps, I. and J. G. Sighs (eds). 2001. Travel Knowledge: European "Discoveries" in the Early Modern Period. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Lotman, Juri. 1996. La semiosfera. Semiótica de la cultura y el texto. Valencia: Cátedra/U. de Valencia.

MacDonald, Joyce, G. (ed) 1997. Race, Ethnicity, and Power in the Renaissance. London: Associated U. Presses.

MacLean, G. 2004. The Rise of Oriental Travel: English Visions to the Ottoman Empire 1580-1720. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Matar, Nabil. 1998. Islam in Britain. 1558-1685.New York: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Matar, Nabil. 1999. Turks, Moors, and Englishmen in the Age of Discovery. New York: Columbia U.P.

Matar, Nabil. 2005 Britain and Barbary: 1589-1689. Gainesville: U. P. of Florida.

Melman, Billie. 1995. Women's Orients. English Women and the Middle East, 1718-1918. Ann Arbor: The U. of Michigan P.

Rice, Warner G. 1927. 'Turk, Moor, and Persian in English Literature from 1550-1660 with Particular Reference to the Drama.' Ph.D. dissertation. Harvard U.

Said, Edward 1995. Orientalism. Western Conceptions of the Orient. 1978. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Tokson, Elliot 1982. The Popular Image of the Black Man in English Drama, 1550-1688. Boston: G.K. Hall.

Ungerer, Gustav. 2008. The Mediterranean Apprenticeship of British Slavery. Madrid: Verbum.

Ungerer, Gustav. 2005. "Recovering a Black African's Voice in an English Lawsuit: Jacques Francis and the Salvage Operations of the Mary Rose and the Sancta Maria and Sanctus Edwardus, 1545-ca 1550" Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England, 17: 255-271.

Vaughan, Virginia M. 1993: Othello: A Contextual History. New York: Cambridge U.P.

Vitkus, Daniel (ed) 1999. Three Turk Plays from Early Modern England. New York: Columbia U. P.

Vitkus, Daniel (ed) 2001. Piracy, Slavery, and Redemption: Barbary Captivity Narratives from Early Modern England. Introduction by N. Matar. New York: Columbia U. P.

Judaism in England:

Abrahams, Israel 1899-1901. "Joachim Gaunse: A Mining Incident in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth." Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England 4: 83-101.

Baron, Salo Wittmayer, ed. 1957. A Social and Religious History of the Jews. Vol 4. New York: Columbia U. P.

Biberman, Mathew 2004. Masculinity, Anti-Semitism and Early Modern English Literature: From the Satanic to the Effeminate Jew Aldershot: Ashgate.

Boose, Linda E. 1987. "The Comic Contract and Portia's Golden Ring." Shakespeare Studies 20: 241-54.

Brooks, Douglas A., ed. 2008. Milton and the Jews. Cambridge: Cambridge U. P.

Cohen, Stephen. 1987. "‘Is this the law?': Legal Ambiguity and its Effect in The Merchant of Venice and Measure for Measure". The Language of Power, the Power of language: The Effects of Ambiguity on Sociopolitical Structures as Illustrated in Shakespeare's Plays.

Edwards, John, ed. 1988. The Jews in Christian Europe, 1400-1700. New York: Routledge.

Felsenstein, Frank 1990. "Jews and Devils: Anti-Semitic Stereotypes of Late Medieval and Renaissance England." Journal of Literature and Theology 4.1: 15-28.

Friedman, Jerome 1987. "Jewish Conversion, the Spanish Pure Blood Laws and Reformation: A Revisionist View of Racial and Religious Antisemitism". Sixteenth Century Journal 18: 3-29.

Gerber, Jane S. 1992. The Jews of Spain. New York: Free.

Greenblatt, Stephen. 1990. "Marlowe, Marx, and Anti-Semitism" Learning to Curse: Essays in Early Modern Culture. New York: Routledge. 40-58.

Hyamson, Albert. 1951. The Sephardim of England. London: Methuen.

Katz, D.S. 1999. "Shylock's Gender: Jewish Male Menstruation in Early Modern England". Review of English Studies 50: 440-462.

Poliakov, Leon 1965. The History of Anti-Semitism. Vol 1. New York: Vanguard.

Prior, Roger. 1990. "A Second Jewish Community in Tudor London". Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England 31: 137-52.

Shapiro, James. 1996. Shakespeare and the Jews. New York: Columbia U. P.

Spain/Spaniards in England:

Demetriou, E. 2005. The Spanish Match and the Literary Image of Spain and Spaniards in English Pamphlets (1617-1624). Jaén: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Jaén.

Edwards, F. 1985. The Jesuits in England from 1580 to the Present Day. Kent: Burns & Oates.

García Cárcel, R. 1992. La leyenda negra. Historia y opinión. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

Juderías, J. 1943. La leyenda negra. Estudios acerca del concepto de España en el extranjero. Barcelona: Araluce.

Kamen, H. 1998. The Spanish Inquisition. An Historical Revision. London: Butler and Tanner.

Loomie, A. J. (ed.) 1968. Spain and the Jacobean Catholics. Vol. II. Catholic Record Society.

Maltby, W. S. 1971. The Black Legend in England. The Development of Anti-Spanish Sentiment, 1558-1660. Durham, N.C.: Duke U. P.

Rodríguez-Moñino Soriano, R. 1976. Razón de estado y dogmatismo religioso en la España del XVII. Negociaciones hispano-inglesas de 1623. Barcelona: Labor.

Shaw Fairman, P. 1981. España vista por los ingleses del siglo XVII. Madrid: Sociedad General Española de Librería.

Tobío Fernández, L. 1987. Gondomar y los católicos ingleses. A Coruña: Seminario de Estudos Galegos, Edición do Castro.

Ungerer, G. 1956. Anglo-Spanish Relations in Tudor Literature. Madrid: Artes Gráficas Clavileño.


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