
You may take a look at the index of every number of the journal, using the pop-up menu below. The articles are available trough this indexes, in PDF format, except for those of the last number published




The sending of Material

Style and structure

1. At the head of the document the title should be in capital letters (neither in bold nor underlined), in the language of the article, together with its translation into English.

2. In research articles the first note, attached to the title or at the beginning of the text, should state whether it has been financed through public, institutional or private funding.

3. After the title the complete name(s) of the author or authors should appear together with asterisks which guide the reader to a footnote. In the notes attached to the asterisks the name of the professional institution where the authors work should be stated. In the case of them being free-lance professionals this datum should also be included. The contact details of the authors of the documents published will be included at the end of the journal using the information given by the authors themselves in the separate sheet, unless these authors have expressly stated the opposite.

4. All documents should be accompanied by a summary in the language used in the article, as well as by corresponding translations of this summary into Spanish and English. They should each be between 300-500 words in length. They should be clear and informative about the aims of the article, its sources, methodology, results and conclusions.

5. In addition, three to five key words should be given in the languages aforementioned to speed up their digital localisation.

6. The document should be written in one space. Its format (number of lines and numbers of characters, etc.) is free, although the author(s) should try not to exceed the dimensions of the DIN A4 format.

7. The whole text should have the margins justified. The first line of each paragraph should not be indented.

8. In the subtitles of the different sections of the text the author should use only capital and lower-case letters. Bold or italics may be used but under no circumstances should they be underlined.

General Section: CAPITALS AND BOLD
Second level: Lower-case and bold
Fourth level: lower-case and italics
Fifth level: lower-case

9. In order to highlight words in the text, neither bold letters nor underlining should be used, only italics.

10. Arabic and Hebrew words and expressions should be transcribed according to the system used in the journals Al-Qantara and Sefarad respectively.




Figures and illustrations


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