Call for Grants under the University-Refuge Action Plan for Students and Research and Teaching and Research Staff from Ukraine |
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Call for Talent Attraction Scholarships of the University of Jaén for Masters Degrees 2025/26 |
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Santander UJA-Global Scholarships 2025/26 |
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Talent Attraction Scholarship Programme for Undergraduate Studies for 2025/2026 |
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Call for applications for financial aid from the Buddy program for collaborating students 2025/26 |
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Call for Erasmus+ KA131 Degree 2025/2026 |
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Call for Santander Erasmus+ Scholarship Programme 2025/26 |
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Clone of Call for Erasmus+ KA171 mobility grant for students - 2024/2025 |
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Scholarships from the UJAs own International Mobility Plan to America, Asia, Europe (not Erasmus) and Oceania 2025/2026 - Degree |
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Clone of Clone of Clone of Clone of Call for Grants under the University-Refuge Action Plan for Students and Research and Teaching and Research Staff from Ukraine |
Closed |