
How to organize a Mini-symposium

The mini-symposia will be mainly organized by volunteers. They are encouraged to submit proposals. The anticipated duration of mini-symposium talks is also 20 minutes. In any case, the length of mini-symposium talks and contributed talks will be the same. This will allow us to schedule such talks into parallel sessions.

To submit a mini-symposium proposal, the mini-symposium organizer should send an email to the organizers (see the contact section) with the following information:

  • Name of the organizer(s) along with his/her affiliation and email address.
  • Preliminary list of mini-symposium speakers (with affiliations and emails).
  • Topics of the mini-symposium and a brief description of the intended presentations (titles and abstracts would be submitted later and new participants could be added later).

Note that the mini-symposium organizer may, but need not be, one of the speakers. Moreover, the organizer is expected to serve as the session chair of his/her own mini-symposium. The deadline for submission of mini-symposium proposals is June 5th, 2024. If your proposal is accepted, which is to be done by June 12th, 2024, speakers in your mini-symposium will have until June 22nd to submit abstracts of their talks.