TIC-220 Telematic System Engineering

Coordinator: Dr. Joaquín Cañada Bago (jcbago [arroba] ujaen [punto] es)

The TIC-220 Telematic System Engineering research group was created within the Jaén University Telecommunication Engineering department and currently comprises five doctors and two doctoral students.

The group’s main research line is the design and integration of knowledge-based systems in devices with restricted resources and their application in the Internet of Things (IoT).

Various research projects have been carried out within the group, funded in competitive calls relating to internet monitoring of acoustic noise, control and monitoring of high-concentration photovoltaic energy systems and intelligent agriculture. As a consequence of these projects, we have various complete IoT applications.

The group has a broad spectrum of IoT-related technologies in place, such as: cloud platform, fog platforms, and various wireless technologies for IoT and different hardware devices for IoT.

Website for the group

Website for the Telematic System Engineering Research Group

Research lines

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Integration of intelligent systems in devices for IoT
  • Rule-based fuzzy systems
  • Intelligent wireless sensor networks

Related services and products

Spanish website: http://bit.ly/2QGomSJ