The "CEATIC MOBILITY INVITATION AID. YOUNG DOCTORS" is a program initiated in 2017 with which it is intended to promote the mobility of young doctors to the Center for Advanced Studies in Information and Communication Technologies (CEATIC) of the University of Jaén, in order to establish or consolidate academic links and gather additional and specific information necessary for studies or research carried out within CEATIC. Likewise, this program also aims to help complete the training and scientific specialization of young doctors.
The Program consists, in its Call 2023, in the invitation to carry out a mobility to CEATIC for a duration of 3 months to be carried out during the year 2023, of which the expenses related to travel, accommodation and meals will be paid up to a maximum amount of 5,000 € per grant, which will be financed from the budgetary credits of the General Budget of the University of Jaén for the year 2023, specifically, from the budget application 03.12.IFP2.3, for a total amount of 10,000 €.
The clauses detailed below constitute the regulatory bases for the 2023 Call of the "CEATIC MOBILITY INVITATION AID FOR MOBILITY. YOUNG DOCTORS".
This call will be governed by Law 38/2003, of November 17, 2003, General Law on Subsidies, Decree 887/2006, of July 21, 2006, which approves the Regulations of the General Law on Subsidies, Legislative Decree 1/2010, of March 2, 2010, which approves the revised text of the General Law of the Public Treasury of the Junta de Andalucía, by the General Rules of Budgetary Execution of the Budget of the University of Jaen for the year 2023, the Statutes of the University of Jaen, approved by Decree 230/2003, of 29 July and, supplementary, the remaining administrative, budgetary and civil rules.
Purpose of the call
The purpose of this call is to award grants to promote postdoctoral stays at CEATIC.
Scope of the call
The mobility grants are intended for stays at the Center for Advanced Studies in Information and Communication Technologies (CEATIC) of the University of Jaen, with the aim of:
- Establish or consolidate academic links with other research centers.
- To gather additional and specific information necessary for the studies or research carried out within CEATIC.
- To help complete the training and scientific specialization of young doctors.
To this end, the duration of the stay will be a minimum of three consecutive months carried out within the year 2023.
3. Beneficiaries, requirements and incompatibilities
Postdoctoral researchers who meet the following requirements will be eligible for the grants provided for in this call:
(i) To have obtained a doctoral degree after 1-1-2015.
ii) Hold a university degree related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
iii) Not be or have been a beneficiary of this grant in previous calls.
The aids object of this call may be compatible with the receipt of other aids or income, from public or private entities, destined to the same purpose, provided that the other entity does not make them incompatible. Likewise, the compatibility will be conditioned to the fact that the amount of the aid granted in no case may be such that, alone or in concurrence with others, it exceeds the total cost of the activity. They shall not be compatible with aid previously received for the same purpose.
4. Number and amount of grants
4.1 Two grants are available.
4.2 Each individual grant shall have a maximum amount of €5,000 (euros) for a minimum stay of three months, and shall be charged to budget application 03.12.IFP2.3 . The stay must begin before September 12, 2023.
5. Submission of applications and documentation
Applications should be submitted by e-mail to the following e-mail address ceatic [arroba] ujaen [punto] es, indicating in the subject [MobilidadCEATIC], where the following documentation should be attached:
1. Copy of the DNI or passport.
2. Copy of the doctorate degree.
3. Copy of university degree related to ICTs.
4. Summary curriculum vitae of the applicant (maximum 4 pages).
5. Applicant's work plan for the 3 months of mobility, it must be related to at least two CEATIC research lines (Annex I) and must describe the work to be developed in one of the following modalities: basic research, strategic research, applied research, experimental development or knowledge transfer (maximum 4 pages).
Each of these documents must be in PDF format and not exceed 2 MB in size.
Candidates will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of their applications within 72 hours.
6. Application Deadline
The deadline for submission of applications will begin at 00:00 hours (GMT+1) on 19 June 2023 and end at 23:59 hours (GMT+1) on 19 July 2023.
7. Evaluation, selection and execution of the expenditure
Candidates must demonstrate compliance with the requirements established for grant recipients and have a meritorious scientific curriculum vitae.
The evaluation of the applications will be carried out by the members of the Management Committee of the Center.
The general evaluation criteria will be the following:
- Evaluation of the Curriculum Vitae, up to 3 points.
- Quality of the proposal in the work plan, up to 3 points.
- Integration of the work plan proposal in the strategic interests of CEATIC, up to 3 points.
- Use of CEATIC resources to carry out the proposal, up to 2 points.
- Excellence of the foreign university where the doctoral degree was obtained, up to 3 points.
In the event of a tie in the evaluation obtained, the aspects described above (general criteria) will be taken into consideration, in the order presented, until a differential score is obtained for the tied candidates.
Once the applications have been evaluated, the Commission will submit the proposal to the CEATIC Directorate, which will publish the provisional results within a maximum of 25 working days from the end of the deadline for the presentation of applications, with a period of 5 working days for the presentation of allegations. Once these have been studied by the Commission, the Management of the Center will publish the final resolution.
The resolution will contain the list of the 2 selected candidates, as well as an annexed list of 3 substitutes in case there are resignations among the first ones.
The Evaluation Committee reserves the right to declare one or more grants void if the applications do not meet the established requirements.
The resolution will be published on the University's digital bulletin board, on the web page http://ceatic.ujaen.es and will be notified to those selected by e-mail.
The management and monitoring of the grants awarded will be carried out by CEATIC. The expenses that can be assumed as part of the grants up to the maximum of 5000€ are:
- Transportation from the candidate's point of origin: Includes transportation from the candidate's point of origin to the University of Jaén and vice versa. This expense will be assumed and managed by CEATIC as part of the grant.
- Insurance: Expenses related to the insurance required by the call. This expense will be assumed and managed by CEATIC as part of the grant.
- Meals and lodging: Expenses related to the stay in Jaén during the duration of the grant. This expense will be assumed by CEATIC through the contracting of board and lodging by the Center itself.
- Transportation: Expenses related to transportation from the place of residence to the University and vice versa. An urban transport card will be provided with the amount resulting from a maximum of the daily cost of two trips.
8. Obligations of the beneficiaries
The young researchers selected for the grants must accept the obligations stipulated and detailed in this call for proposals:
1. Send CEATIC a letter expressing acceptance of the grant and all its conditions, within a maximum period of 10 days after publication of the final resolution. If the letter of acceptance of the grant is not sent within the indicated period, the grant will be denied, and the grant will be awarded to the next alternate.
2. To join the Center within the period of execution of the grant.
3. Comply with the established work plan.
4. To subscribe a medical insurance policy with the following coverage: (i) death or permanent disability due to accident, (ii) transportation or medical repatriation of the deceased, injured or sick, medical and surgical expenses, hospitalization due to illness or accident, private civil liability.
5. To justify the aid received in the terms indicated in this call for applications.
6. In the event that the work resulting from the research is published, include an express mention of CEATIC of the University of Jaen, as the funder.
7. Make a presentation of the lines of research of the awardee and the proposal within the first 10 days of their mobility at CEATIC.
8. Make a presentation of the results obtained in the mobility, in the 10 days prior to its completion.
9. Provide all the information required by the services in charge of university control.
9. Justification of the aid
Once the stay has ended, and within a maximum period of 10 working days, the applicant must submit the following documentation:
1. Certification of the stay carried out, accredited by the person responsible for the stay at CEATIC, showing the start and end date of the stay.
2. Report of the activity carried out.
3. Proof of travel expenses, lodging, meals, medical insurance if applicable.
The above documentation must be submitted to the Center for Advanced Studies in Information and Communication Technology of the University of Jaén.
The CEATIC Management is empowered to require the documentation deemed appropriate to assess the correct use of the aid and the fulfillment of the obligations of the beneficiaries established in the call, and may require the total or partial reimbursement of the aid in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Budgetary Execution in the following cases:
a. Obtaining the subsidy without meeting the conditions required for it.
b. Failure to comply with the purpose for which the subsidy was granted.
c. Failure to comply with the obligation of justification.
The amounts granted and not applied shall be reimbursed to the Budget of the University of Jaén.
10. Legal regime of the call
10.1. The present call for applications for grants is made on a competitive basis.
10.2. The publication of the acts of procedure related to the present call, including the lists of admitted/excluded and selected applicants, will be made on the web page of the Centro Estudios Avanzados en Tecnología de la Información y de la Comunicación of the University of Jaén. Said publication will serve as notification to the interested parties, in accordance with Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations.
10.3. The submission of the corresponding application shall imply the express acceptance of the terms and conditions of this call. Against this Resolution, which does not exhaust the administrative channels, in accordance with Articles 112 and 114 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, an appeal may be lodged, within one month from the day following its notification or publication, before the Rector of the University of Jaén, in accordance with Articles 121 and 122 of the aforementioned Law 39/2015, of October 1, and Article 196. 2 of Decree 230/2003, of 29 July, approving the Statutes of the University of Jaén.
Appendix I
The research proposal of every candidate has to be related with at least two of the research topics covered in the CEATIC. These topics are the following:
Smart environments and Internet of Things.
Distributed and colaborative processing of sound signals.
Computer Graphics and Geomatics.
Smart cities.
Intelligent systems based on fuzzy decision analysis.
Human language technologies.
Wireless sensor networks.
Multimedia & Multimodal Processing.
Modeling and optimization of systems with Computational Intelligence.
Integration of fuzzy systems in resource-constrained devices.
Cartographic Engineering.
Big Data y Deep Learning.