The CEATIC of the UJA presents the 5th 'Ada Lovelace' Awards in Information and Communication Technologies.


Wednesday, 18 December, 2019

The Vice-rector of Digital University, María Teresa Martín Valdivia, presided today the award ceremony of the V Awards in Information and Communication Technologies 'Ada Lovelace' of the University of Jaén (UJA), organised by the Centre for Advanced Studies in Information and Communication Technologies (CEATIC) of the university institution.

In the category for the best final degree, master's degree or final project, the winner was Alfonso López Ruiz, for his work entitled 'Prototype for advanced control of large plantations using remote sensing'. The runner-up in this category was Sergio García Solano, for his work entitled 'Analysis of Unity 3D features for the development of multiplayer games'.

In the best application category, the winner was Amine Alrharad, for his work entitled 'Monitoring of environmental variables using wireless sensor networks. Sampling period prediction'.

In the category for the best introductory research work, the winner was Flor Miriam Plaza del Arco, for her work entitled "Minería de emociones en texto en español" (Emotion mining in Spanish text).

The event, held in the Salón de Grados of the A 3 building on the Las Lagunillas Campus, was attended by Alfonso Ureña López, director of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Information and Communication Technologies, and Luis Magdalena Layos, lecturer at the School of Computer Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, who gave a talk entitled 'Explaining the decisions of a machine'.

Alfonso Ureña stated that Ada Lovelace, who lived between 1815 and 1852, was a visionary in her time, "who contributed to the advancement and change of history and, above all, in the field of technology". Ureña explained that Ada Lovelace was the daughter of Lord Byron, one of the most important English poets of Romanticism, "who had a great passion for mathematics, thanks to her mother, and wrote some notes on the analytical machine of Charles Babbae", the designer of a modern general-purpose computer, which represented an important step in the history of computing.

María Teresa Martín introduced the speaker Luis Magdalena Layos, professor at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, who will give a lecture entitled 'Explaining the decisions of a machine'.