CTS-464 Nursing and Innovation in Healthcare

Coordinator: Dr. Pedro Luis Pancorbo Hidalgo (pancorbo [arroba] ujaen [punto] es)

The Nursing and Innovation in Healthcare research group works on driving research in healthcare and on promoting innovation in clinical nursing practice in the different healthcare fields: hospital, primary healthcare and residential environments. Collaboration with healthcare centers and institutions is a basic aspect in our activity. The group also conducts research on the training of Nursing students.

Website of the group

The Nursing and Innovation in Healthcare research group’s Web

Research lines

  • Care for specific groups: children, youth, women and the elderly
  • Chronic wounds: epidemiology, prevention and treatment
  • Technological innovation in healthcare
  • Community health, health promotion and family care
  • Environmental health, climate change and sustainability

Related services and products

Spanish website: https://bit.ly/2rPcNda