BIO-258 Gene Transcription and Expression in Eukaryotes

Coordinator: Dr. Francisco Navarro Gómez (fngomez [arroba] ujaen [punto] es)

The Bio-258 group is engaged in analyzing the gene transcription and expression in eukaryotes and their research focuses on two major lines: olive groves and transcriptional machinery in eukaryotes.

Our studies focus on ‘-omic’ approaches (genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic) with various objectives, such as:

  • To acquire more in-depth knowledge of the olive tree genome.
  • To increase the number of sequenced genomes in olive tree varieties throughout the Mediterranean Arc and to create the first database on multi-varietal genetic information on olive trees.
  • To establish -through transcriptomic and genomic analysis- the genetic basis for olive tree tolerance to verticillium wilt.
  • To identify and characterize new proteins in the transcriptional machinery that coordinate the mRNA synthesis and maturation required for synthesizing proteins and regulating gene expression.
  • To embark on new studies aimed at establishing the interconnection between proteins of the transcriptional machinery-molecular signaling pathways-cell cycle, allowing us to establish a functional relationship with tumor processes and take the leap to new biomedical approaches.

Website of the group

The Gene Transcription and Expression in Eukaryotes research group’s Web

Research lines

  • Olive tree gene research
  • Analysis and transcriptional regulation in yeasts
  • Analysis of development in olive trees
  • Response to stress in olive trees
  • Analysis and purification of protein complexes

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