FQM-337 Structure and Dynamics of Chemical Systems

Coordinator: Dr. Amparo Navarro Rascón (anavarro [arroba] ujaen [punto] es)

The Research Group is developing various research lines in the field of computational chemistry through molecular modeling and making use of spectroscopic techniques aimed at designing and characterizing chemical compounds of technological and biological interest.

The group boasts a scientific computing cluster for their work.

Research lines

  • Computational Chemistry applied to luminescent compounds and organic semiconductors
  • Computational design of drugs
  • Structural and spectroscopic characterization (vibrational and electronic) of chemical compounds of biological and technological interest
  • Development of compounds with high biotechnological value as new natural additives in the agrifoods industry
  • Physicochemical obtainment and characterization of new functional foods based on olive oil

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Spanish website: https://bit.ly/2S9f52g