HUM-761 Arabic, Islamic and Christian Societies

Coordinator: Dr. Francisco Vidal Castro (fvidal [arroba] ujaen [punto] es)

Interdisciplinary group comprising specialists in Arabic and Islamic Studies, in Medieval and Modern History and in Heritage applied to local development. Its field of study are premodern Arabo-Islamic societies and their relations with Christian societies, with special focus on al-Andalus and the Maghreb vis-à-vis the Christian kingdoms as well as the transition from the medieval Islamic to the modern-age Christian world.

Research lines

  • History, culture and society of al-Andalus and the Maghreb. Relations with the Christian world
  • Study and dissemination of the Andalusí cultural heritage (history, society, literature, art in Andalusia and in Morocco) and of medieval and modern Christian heritage Application to local development
  • Islamic Law and society

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