HUM-836 Psychological Evaluation and Intervention

Coordinator : Dr. José Antonio Muela Martínez (jmuela [arroba] ujaen [punto] es)

The “Psychological Evaluation and Intervention” research group has focused its interest on several spheres of action. From creating instruments for evaluating psychological variables (anxiety in high-risk pregnant women, expressed emotion, empathy, resilience, etc.) to diagnostic and intervention methods in hand tremors (bar tromometer) or mobile apps for women at risk of suffering abuse. Lately we are taking an interest in the child and youth population, particularly in anxiety-related problems, and in early intervention.

Website for the group

Website for the Research Group on Psychological Evaluation and Intervention

Research lines

  • Cognitive rehabilitation and psychosocial intervention in schizophrenia
  • Evaluation and intervention in the child and adolescent population
  • Study of risk factors and protection in drug use
  • Discrimination and prejudice

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