RNM-182 Andalusian Nematology Group

Coordinator: Dr. Reyes Peña Santiago (rpena [arroba] ujaen [punto] es)

The Andalusian Nematology Group (GAN), created in the early 1990s, boasts an extensive and accredited trajectory in the study of edaphic and freshwater nematodes (filo Nematoda). These microscopic animals are of agronomic and environmental interest. On one hand, a considerable number of species has specialized in parasitizing vascular plants, in which it can cause serious diseases. On the other, they are considered to be good quality bioindicators of the habitat they occupy. Since its beginnings, the GAN has focused on the study of the group’s diversity, mainly in its basic aspects (identification, classification, etc.), not neglecting applied aspects, for example monitoring altered soils.

Research lines

  • Morphology and taxonomy of soil and inland water nematodes
  • Distribution and diversity of edaphic and freshwater nematodes

Related services and products

Spanish website: https://bit.ly/2QKkRL1