SEJ-289 Information and Management Systems in Andalusian Enterprises

Coordinator: Dr. Macario Cámara de la Fuente (mcamara [arroba] ujaen [punto] es)

Essentially, the members of this Group (SEJ 289 - Sistemas de Información y Gestión en la Empresa Andaluza) have mainly engaged in analyzing accounting and financial issues revolving around two main linchpins: on the one hand, issues relating to our nearest environment, mainly Jaén province; on the other hand, issues relating to a national or international sphere.

Regarding issues relating to the environment of Jaén and its province, the prominent studies are on history of accounting in the province’s bodies and institutions such as the Santa Capilla de San Andrés (Holy Chapel of Saint Andrew) in Jaén (1650-1900) or the medium-sized company Cervezas El Alcázar (El Alcázar brewery) in Jaén (1928-1993).

Equally remarkable are the papers in the field of intangibles and social and environmental accounting as part of the province’s oil presses.

On the national or international scale, multiple topics in various fields have been researched, such as the winegrowing industry, non-profit organizations, banking and financial institutions, the Compañía Arrendataria de Tabacos-Tabacalera (The Spanish Tobacco Monopoly) (1887-1986), financial management in family firms, sports corporations, etc.

Nowadays, we continue working on these and other topics such as entrepreneurship, quality of financial information, or financial standardization, focusing our studies in the double perspective of both local and global environment.

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