This area serves to enhance, coordinate, and evaluate the strategic management system at the University of Jaén. This system is made up of different management tools and programs that aim to ensure that the various governing bodies and units at the University of Jaén work together towards the same goal of advancing the University in its missions.
The Strategic Management System encompasses, on the one hand, the University of Jaén’s Strategic Plan, and on the other, the sectoral master plans, both at an institutional level and the faculty, school, and department levels, and all of which must be in line with the Strategic Plan. In terms of operations, the Strategic Management System makes use of institutional management tools, such as the comprehensive EFQM system and the integrated service quality system SIGC-SUA, as well as tools for the management of faculties, schools, advanced study centers, and departments, such as program contracts entered into with these units and their systems of quality control.