
Gif Campañas

Campaigns of the Vice-rectorate of Communication and Institutional Projection; Includes the type of campaign, date to which it belongs, title and links to both the promotional video and the news published respectively

UJA's Institutional Video "Camina hacia tu futuro"

Link to promotional video

Postgraduates Campaign (2018/2019): "Activa tu futuro"

The postgraduate offer of the UJA combines its formative and researching capacities with the students needs and the demands of society.

Link to promotional video
Link to press release

Undergraduate Campaign (2018/2019): "UJA Experience"

Under the slogan 'Cities of knowledge', the UJA is depicted as a big city with a huge appeal.

Link to promotional video
Link to press release

Alumni Program "Alumni Generación UJA"

The University of Jaén considers to maintain the relation with its student throughout all of their academic lifes as one of its missions, so that it continues during the development of their professional career.

Link to promotional video
Link to press release

New design for the website of the University of Jaén!: "Está más cerca de ti"

Link to promotional video
Link to press release

New digital newspaper of the University of Jaén!: "Nos gusta comunicar"

Link to promotional video
Link to press release

Postgraduates Campaign (2017/2018): "Marca la diferencia"

Link to promotional video
Link to press release

Undergraduate Campaign! (2017/2018): "GeneraciónUJA"

Activate your future with the UJA and be part of the UJA Generation! #GenUJA #EraUJA #AcciónUJA #GeneraciónUJA

Link to promotional video
Link to press release