Publicaciones más relevantes (2020-2023)
- Experimental Research on the Production of Hydrogen-Rich Synthesis Gas via the Air-Gasification of Olive Pomace: A Comparison between an Updraft Bubbling Bed and a Downdraft Fixed Bed. Hydrogen (2023). Carmo-Calado, L.; Hermoso-Orzáez, M.J.; Diaz-Perete, D.; La Cal-Herrera, J.; Brito, P.; Terrados-Cepeda, J.
- WEEE polymers valorization, its use as fuel in the gasification process and revaluation of the inert by-products obtained: Sustainable mortars as a solution. Heliyon (2023). Diaz-Perete, D.; Hermoso-Orzáez, M.J.; Terrados-Cepeda, J. ; Silva-Romano, P.; Martín-Doñate, C.
- Evaluation of Inrush Current in LED Luminaires Applied to Urban Lighting Based on Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods: A Case Study. LEUKOS (2023). Juan de Dios Unión-Sánchez; Manuel Jesús Hermoso-Orzáez; Blas Ogáyar-Fernández; Julio Terrados-Cepeda
- Properties and Uses of Biochars Incorporated into Mortars. Environments (2023). Mota-Panizio, Roberta ; Carmo-Calado, Luís ; Carolina Assis, Ana; Matos, Vitor; Hermoso-Orzáez, Manuel Jesús.
- Techno-Economic Evaluation of Downdraft Fixed Bed Gasification of Almond Shell and Husk as a Process Step in Energy Production for Decentralized Solutions Applied in Biorefinery Systems. Agronomy (2023). Carmo-Calado, L.; Hermoso-Orzáez, M.J.; La Cal-Herrera, J.; Brito, P.; Terrados-Cepeda, J.
- Assessing the Feasibility of Hydrogen and Electric Buses for Urban Public Transportation using Rooftop Integrated Photovoltaic Energy in Cuenca Ecuador. Energies (2023). Cevallos-Escandón, A.; Barragan-Escandón, E.A.; Zalamea-León, E.; Serrano-Guerrero, X.; Terrados-Cepeda, J.
- Application of the data envelopment analysis technique to measure the environmental efficiency of the 27 countries of the European Union during the period 2012–2020. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (2023). Cámara-Aceituno, J., Hermoso-Orzáez, M.J., Terrados-Cepeda, J., Mena-Nieto, A., García-Ramos, J.E.
- Social acceptance of renewable energy development in southern Spain: Exploring tendencies, locations, criteria and situations.. Energy Policy (2023). Rodríguez-Segura, F.J.; Osorio-Aravena, J.C; Frolova, M.; Terrados-Cepeda, J.; Muñoz-Cerón, E.
- Energy Recovery from Polymeric 3D Printing Waste and Olive Pomace Mixtures via Thermal Gasification—Effect of Temperature. Polymers (2023). Díaz-Perete, D.; Hermoso-Orzáez, M.J.; Carmo-Calado, L.; Martín-Doñate, C.; Terrados-Cepeda, J.
- How much solar PV, wind and biomass energy could be implemented in short-term? A multi-criteria GIS-based approach applied to the province of Jaén, Spain. Journal of Cleaner Production (2022). Juan Carlos Osorio-Aravena; Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Segura; Marina Frolova; Julio Terrados-Cepeda; Emilio Muñoz-Cerón
- Impact of Solar Thermal Energy on the Energy Matrix under Equatorial Andean Context.. Energies (2022). Barragán-Escandón, E.A.; Zalamea-León, E.; Calle-Sigüencia, J.; Terrados-Cepeda, J.
- Co-carbonization of a mixture of waste insulation electric cables (WIEC) and lignocellulosic waste, for the removal of chlorine: Biochar properties and their behaviors. Fuel (2022). Mota-Panizio, R.; Hermoso-Orzaez, M. J.; Carmo-Calado, L.; Calado, H.; Goncalves, M. M.; Brito, P.
- Large-scale biomass storage for electricity generation. A comprehensive field tests campaign in southern Spain. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining (2022). Lara Chaves, P.J., Terrados Cepeda, J., Gallego Álvarez, F.J. and Hermoso Orzáez, M.J.
- Multi-Criteria Selection of Waste-to-Energy Technologies for Slum/Informal Settlements Using the PROMETHEE Technique: A Case Study of the Greater Karu Urban Area in Nigeria.. Energies (2022). Donald Ukpanyang; Julio Terrados-Cepeda; Manuel Jesus Hermoso-Orzaez
- Decarbonizing Vehicle Transportation with Hydrogen from Biomass Gasification: An Assessment in the Nigerian Urban Environment.. Energies (2022). Donald Ukpanyang and Julio Terrados-Cepeda
- Spatial Energy Planning: A Review. Energies (2020). Juan Carlos Osorio-Aravena, Marina Frolova, Julio Terrados-Cepeda, Emilio Muñoz-Cerón
- Energy self-supply estimation in intermediate cities. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2020). Edgar A. Barragán-Escandón, Esteban F. Zalamea-León, Julio Terrados-Cepeda, P.F. Vanegas-Peralta
- Influence of Moisture, Temperature and Microbial Activity in Biomass Sustainable Storage. Special Focus on Olive Biomasses. International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources (2020). Pedro J Lara Chaves, Julio Terrados Cepeda, Francisco J Gallego Álvarez and Manuel J Hermoso Orzáez
- Sustainability and Energy Eciency: BIM 6D. Study of the BIM Methodology Applied to Hospital Buildings. Value of Interior Lighting and Daylight in Energy Simulation. Sustainability (2020). Francisco Javier Montiel-Santiago, Manuel Jesús Hermoso-Orzáez and Julio Terrados-Cepeda
- Measurement of environmental efficiency in the countries of the European Union with the enhanced data envelopment analysis method (DEA) during the period 2005–2012.. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 15691–15715 (2020). Hermoso-Orzáez, M.J., García-Alguacil, M., Terrados-Cepeda, J. and Brito, Paulo.
- LED Lighting Installations in Professional Stadiums: Energy Efficiency, Visual Comfort, and Requirements of 4K TV Broadcast. Sustainability (2020). Rami David Orejón-Sánchez; Manuel Jesús Hermoso-Orzáez; Alfonso Gago-Calderón
- Survey and assessment of technical and economic features for the provision of frequency control services by household-prosumers. Energy Policy (2020). Andrés López Valdivia, Blas Ogáyar-Fernández, Jesus de la Casa Hernandez, Francisco Sánchez Sutil