Bein@UJA - Experiences & Life


International mobility provides exchange students and teaching staff with an excellent means to grow academically and personally, immerse themselves in a new culture and forge close personal ties, making your stay a truly transformative experience. On the other hand, the internationally talented student body already represents a large group in the UJA community that enriches our campuses by allowing an intercultural experience, and making UJA a university open to the world.

With the initiative ‘Bein@UJA Experiences’ we intend to let you know your opinions and all the good things about this transforming experience of outgoing mobility, incoming mobility UJA or talent attraction at UJA, because the protagonists are you! If you wish to participate and record your testimony, please fill in this form or contact vicint [arroba] ujaen [punto] es. All participants will be recognised as ‘Bein@UJA Ambassadors’.

Enjoy the bein@UJA experience and change your life!

If you are not yet a UJA international student but you are thinking of coming to study at the University of Jaén, and you want to know all the good things that UJA has to offer, told by other international students...

Or, if you are a UJA student and you are hesitating to embark on an academic experience abroad, and you want to know what other outgoing mobility students have experienced?

This is the place for you! Find out how joining the bein@UJA international experience can change your life.

You can view some bein@UJA experiences below (this section will be updated periodically to upload new content), or visit our Youtube channel bein@UJA.

International Mobility Experiences - OUT

International Mobility Experiences - IN

Experiences of Talent Attraction Students – IN

Life - Student life

See more activities here!

- Cultural visits to Úbeda & Baeza