Academic Year
Call Status
Targe audience
Students from the University of Jaén enrolled in Official Degree or Master studies.
Applicant requirements
- To have passed 30 credits of the studies they are taking.
- Be enrolled in 2nd year during the 2018/2019 academic year
- To be registered at the University of Jaén in the academic year 2017/2018 to apply and obtain the place, and in the academic year 2018/2019 to enjoy the mobility.
- Be a national of a country participating in the Lifelong Learning Programme or be in possession of a residence permit in Spain during the period of the mobility.
- Fulfill the requirements of the places requested.
- To accredit by any of the established procedures the required language level.
- To carry out a minimum stay of 3 months.
- Not to have exceeded the maximum duration of the ERASMUS programme.
- Not be a beneficiary of an international mobility placement for the same period of time.
- To fulfil at least one of the following sporting merits, which will be accredited by the Physical and Sports Activities Service (SAFYD) of the University of Jaén:
- Accreditation of participation in university championships in Spain or Andalusia (during the 2016/2017 academic year)
- Accreditation of being a beneficiary (during the 2016/2017 academic year) of the UJA's High Level Athlete Assistance Program.
- Accreditation of having won one of the competitions of the University of Jaén Trophy.
- Accreditation of the condition of sportsman or woman with a sports curriculum at Andalusian or national level (federated or university) (during the 2016/17 academic year)