Buddy Program


The Vicerectorate of Internationalization of the UJA offers free assistance to those foreign exchange students (Erasmus+ and from other non-European countries) during their first weeks of stay in Jaén through the so-called Buddy Program.

Assistance provided to international students.

  • Advice and active help in the search for temporary and permanent accommodation.
  • Reception at the train/bus station of Jaén or Linares and accompaniment to
  • arranged accommodation.
  • Assistance in official registration of subjects (including the training offer and CEALM deadlines) and advice on the use of platforms such as the Virtual University and the UMOVE mobility program.
  • Active accompaniment to:
    • International Relations Section (C-2, 105, Campus las Lagunillas), or the Linares Scientific and Technological Campus in the event that the student body belongs to one of the international talent attraction scholarship programs.
    • Office of the academic coordinator of the UJA, for students belonging to mobility programs.
  • Active accompaniment to:
    ○ International Student AssociationASUEJ (C-2, 3rd floor of the Las Lagunillas Campus).
    ○ Guide to the Jaén or Linares Campuses: International Relations Section, secretariat, library, study rooms, computer rooms, laboratories, cafeterias, etc.
    ○ Optionally, guide through the city of Jaén or Linares.
  • In addition to the aforementioned, for international students accessing a UJA Bachelor's/Master's/PhD as regular students:
    • Assistance in the prescription process at the UJA and advice on the use of the Andalusian Single District platform, registration platform, Virtual University, and Virtual Teaching.
    • Active accompaniment to the Immigration Office and police station for the administrative processing of the necessary documentation for your residence as a student in Jaén, as well as its renewal.


Last Calls for Buddy Tutors.

Course's schedule Buddy Tutors.



For further information please contact

International Relations Office
University of Jaén
Las Lagunillas Campus
23071 Jaén
ujabuddy [arroba] ujaen [punto] es