Español - English - Française - Italiano
The University Library of Jaén provides loans and reproductions of items held on through the Interlibrary Loan Service to libraries over the world. Please consult the catalog and the repository to know the availability of the documents
Requesting documents
- via web form (preferred)$UJG&soy=c
- or via presint [arroba] ujaen [punto] es
Loans will be supplied for 30 days, and the renewal will allow if the document hasn’t any reserve in our local system. The University Library of Jaén authorizes to end user to read and consult library material outside the library premises.
The University Library of Jaén doesn’t lend:
- Reference material: dictionaries, enciclopedias,
- Loan or reproduction of Newspapers and entire journal issues
- Unpublished dissertations, thesis and other academic texts
- Books published before 1801
- Painting and drawings
- Books held in departaments and those that were frecuently used for the students signed in the catalog as “bibliografía recomendada” or “fin de semana”
- All other documents no content in the previous list that the Director excludes
Pricing and Payment
International document Supply - Prices |
** Please contact with us to know the exact tariff. It’ll depend on the weight of the document, and this rate will increase if exceeded 1 Kgr. |
Reproductions = 5 Euros or 1 Voucher IFLA Loans = 16 Euros or 2 Vouchers IFLA**
| |
International document supply - Payment |
Don’t accept: International Response Coupons ( CRI) and Postage stamps
IFLA voucher –preferred – Bank transfer Please, don’t make any payment until receiving the invoice
Universidad de Jaén. Biblioteca. Sección de Acceso al Documento y Producción Científica Préstamo Interbibliotecario Paraje Las Lagunillas, edificio B-2, planta 2ª 23071 Jaén España Phone: (34) 953.21.21.69 Fax: (34) 953.21.25.43 Email: presint [arroba] ujaen [punto] es VAT: Q7350006H Rebiun code: $UJG Opening hours 09:00 a 14:00 |