The UJA offers PhD programs on any its areas of expertise and applications are welcome all throughout the academic year (escueladoctorado [arroba] ujaen [punto] es). Fees and application deadlines are described online.
Besides, the UJA is also happy to welcome early stage/consolidated/senior researchers (and potential project consortium partners) through any of the following international funding programs (in alphabetical order):
- Becas AUIP
- Becas Fulbright
- Becas Fundación Carolina
- Becas “la Caixa”
- DAAD PRIME (Postdoctoral Researchers)
- EMBO Funding and Awards
- FWO – The Research Foundation (Flanders)
- HE European Research Council grants (ERC)
- HE Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA-PF)
- INTER mobility programme (Luxembourg)
- OECD Fellowships
- OEI - Programa Paulo Freire +
The University of Jaén also offers the following funding for incoming researchers:
General information