HUM-642 Comparative Psychology - Learning, Attention and Memory

Coordinator: María José Fernández Abad (mjabad [arroba] ujaen [punto] es)

Comparative Psychology - Learning, Attention and Memory

The “Comparative Psychology - Learning, Attention and Memory” research group studies learning, memory, attention and emotions from the triple cognitive, methodological and psychobiological perspective.

Website for the group

Website for the Research Group on “Comparative Psychology - Learning, Attention and Memory”

Research lines

  • Mechanisms for recovering information in animals and human beings
  • Contents of causal and instrumental human learning
  • History of psychology
  • Psychology of art
  • Associative and attentional mechanisms in animal and human learning
  • Psychobiological, psychogenetic and behavioral analysis of fear, anxiety and frustration
  • Risk factors associated with alcohol consumption in genetically selected rats
  • Psychophysical orientation applied to the study of learning
  • Psychological processes involved in olive oil tasting
  • Evolution of learning - studies on learning in invertebrates
  • Learning, cognition and memory in educational contexts

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