Coordinator: Dr. Francisco Javier Ariza López (fjariza [arroba] ujaen [punto] es) |
Website for the group
Website for the Cartographic Engineering Research Group
Research lines
- Spatial data - generalization and multiple representation of spatial data, quality of spatial data and propagation of uncertainty in spatial data
- Spatial data capture - cartographic and heritage applications of photogrammetry, remote sensing, UAVs based on new sensors and tools
- Cadastral valuation and developments
- Applications: Non-conventional applications of Geographic Information Systems, mainly concerning the use of environmental and cadastral applications
- Geodesy - control of crustal deformations on a national/continental scale
Related services and products
- Guide procedure and system for automatic harvesting of horticultural products based on digital 3D modeling
- Self-leveled device for GNSS surveying of linear elements
- Multipurpose cadastral applications and property valuation
- Consultancies in national and international bodies
- Quality systems and quality assessment and control of spatial data and SDI
- Localization-based services
- Design, development and implementation of SIG applications and analysis
- Generation of geographical databases and cartography
- Implementation of quality systems
- Digital image processing (multi- and hyper-spectral)
- Web mapping, 3D mapping, on-demand mapping
- Software design
- GNSS networks for control of crustal deformations on a national/continental scale
- Assessment of measurement uncertainty in topographic-geodetic instruments
- Specialization courses in cartographic engineering
Spanish website: