TIC-206 Intelligent Systems Based on Diffuse Decision Analysis (SINBAD)

Coordinator: Luis Martínez López (martin [arroba] ujaen [punto] es)

The main goal of the “Intelligent Systems Based on Diffuse Decision Analysis (SINBAD2)” research group is developing computer systems to help in complex decision making in problems featuring uncertainty, imprecision or vagueness.

In this endeavor we use Artificial Intelligence techniques such as machine learning, fuzzy logic and different computational intelligence techniques as well as decision theory models.

The grounding for the research conducted by the group throughout the past decade has allowed us to take part in regional, national, European and international (Latin America and China) research projects centered on generating new knowledge in intelligent systems applied mainly to decision support systems (Analytics), one-to-one marketing, IoT-based health applications, etc.

Website for the group

Website for the Research Group on Intelligent Systems Based on Diffuse Decision Analysis (SINBAD)

Research lines

  • Multicriteria decision making under uncertainty
    • GIS-integrated multicriteria classification models
    • Group decision making
    • Group negotiation models
  • Word-based computing
  • Diffuse linguistic decision analysis
  • Recommender Systems
    • One-to-one Marketing
    • Recommendations to groups
  • Machine Learning with IoT applied to the field of Health
    • Ageing
    • Telecare

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Spanish website: http://bit.ly/2PUJRKj