Valverde González, Ana

Ana Valverde González
Filología inglesa

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amvalver [arroba] ujaen [punto] es


About: Ana Valverde González is a second year PhD candidate in the English Department of Jaén University, where she also teaches, with an interest in modernist and postmodern literature, as well as in the fields of cultural studies, comparative literature, education and journalism. She holds a master’s degree in English and Literary Studies. She earned her masters degree from Jaén University (Jaén) in December 2020. She has published in national and international journals, such as Forum for World Literature Studies and Anglica: An International Journal for English Studies, this one as a coauthor. Besides, she has also participated in several congresses, such as the 2022 EAAS Conference or the International Conference on Popular Culture in Jaén University, as well as the VI International Conference on Linguistics and Literature hold at the University of Cantabria.