Academic Year
Fecha de publicación
Place and time of presentation
From 9th to 25th of february 2022.
Call Status
A total of 40 places are available for an international mobility stay for teaching and training in any academic area or discipline under the terms established in this call, funded by the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education and the University of Jaén.
10 places funded by the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education and the University of Jaén are available for an international mobility stay for training (excluding conferences and congresses). And 30 for an international mobility stay for teaching (excluding conferences and congresses).
duration of the stay between 2 days and 2 months (excluding travel days).
Application deadline:
Registration from 9th to 25th february 2022 (both included).
Related Documents
- Call for applications Erasmus+ KA103 Teaching Staff (Teaching and Training) 2021/2022
- Annex: Destination offer
- Resolution of march 10th of 2022, provisional list of granted applications
- Annex: Provisional list of granted applications
- Resolution of march 29th of 2022, definitive list of granted applications
- Annex: Definitive list of granted applications