Target audience:
Students from the University of Jaén enrolled in Official Master studies at the University of Jaén
- To be enrolled at the University of Jaén, in order to be able to apply for and obtain the place, and to maintain the enrolment in the course in order to enjoy the mobility and the financial aid provided. In order to be awarded the place and to be beneficiary of the financial aid, the student cannot withdraw from the course.
- Be a national of a Member State of the European Community or of any other State participating in the Actions corresponding to the Erasmus+ Programme, or a third-country national (not participating in the Programme) and be in possession of a valid residence permit to reside in Spain for the duration of the mobility. In this case, the applicant is responsible for managing the visas or permits corresponding to his/her travel to the host institution; it is advisable to start this process at least 3 months before the planned departure date.
- Letter of admission issued by the host institution. The letter must clearly state the name, surname(s) and identity document of the student.
- Proof of knowledge of the language(s) used in teaching/evaluation at the host institution.
- A minimum stay of 3 months.
- Not having exceeded the maximum duration of the ERASMUS+ programme: Master's degree students may participate in mobility programmes with a maximum duration of one semester for Master's degrees of 60 to 90 credits, and a full academic year for Master's degrees of 90 to 120 credits. It is the responsibility of the student interested in applying for a mobility placement under this call not to exceed the maximum duration period.
- Not to be the beneficiary of an international mobility placement for study purposes offered by the Vice-rectorate for Internationalisation for the same period of time.
Selection criteria:
Average grade of the academic record and command of the accredited language, if applicable.
Place and deadline for application:
Apply electronically through the VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY ( > Intranet > Virtual University > Academic Services > Mobility > UMOVE). Academic Services > Mobility > UMOVE) (Initial deadline) Until 30 July 2022. After that it will remain open until the available budget is exhausted.The application must be submitted through the General Registry of the UJA, using the generic instance model.
Acceptance of the place awarded:
Candidates who are assigned a place will have 5 working days to accept, wait for improvement or resign. If no action is taken, it will be considered withdrawn in the call for applications.
Related Documents
- Call Erasmus+ Master 2022/2023
- Indicative offer document
- Resolution of september 8th 2022, provisional list of admitted and excluded applications
- Annex: Provisional list of admitted and excluded applications
- Resolution of september 26th 2022, provisional list of granted applications
- Annex: Definitive list of granted applications
- Resolution of october 11th 2022, definitive list of granted applications
- Annex: definitive list of granted applications