Santander UJA-Global Scholarships 2023/24

Academic Year
Fecha de publicación
Place and time of presentation
Until may 14th 2024.
Call Status

Recipients: Students from the University of Jaén who have been beneficiaries of a mobility scholarship from the UJA's Own Plan in the 23/24 academic year.


  • Be enrolled in official studies at the University of Jaén during the 2023/24 academic year.
  • Have been awarded a UJA 23/24 Own Plan mobility place and have not resigned or given up this place in the future. In particular, the countries eligible for this program are: United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand.
  • Carry out the Own Plan study stay at the destination university in the 2023/24 academic year.

Selection criteria: The total weighted scale will be taken into account as indicated below, and the credits of the Final Resolution for which they have been beneficiaries of a Own Plan mobility scholarship for the 2023/24 academic year.
Weighting criteria:
A corrective coefficient of 1.17 will be applied for students in the area of architecture and engineering, 1.11 for students in the area of science and 1.05 for students in the area of health sciences.

Application place and deadline: Register on the page until May 14, 2024. -movilidad-universidad-de -jaen-course-2023-24

The following number of scholarships are called:
- 10 scholarships of 1,000 euros each for the students with the best record according to the criteria applied in section 2 of this call.
- 10 scholarships of 500 euros each for the best academic records according to the criteria indicated in section 2 of the call.