Photo Gallery

Westminster Tournament Roll (1511), John Blancke Egyptian on Basilica San Marco, Venice Turks on Basilica San Marco, Venice Turks on Basilica San Marco, Venice Anthony Nixon 'The Three English Brothers' 1607. Kindly provided by the Folger Shakespeare Library Anthony Sherley 'Relation of his Travels' 1613. Kindly provided by the Folger Shakespeare Library Folger Shakespeare Library Folger Shakespeare Library Portrait of W. Shakespeare FSL Founders Room. Kindly provided by the Folger Shakespeare Library Rowley, Wilkins & Day 'Travailes of the Three English Brothers' 1607. Kindly provided by the Folger Shakespeare Library 'Travailes of the Three English Brothers' dedication 1607. Kindly provided by the Folger Shakespeare Library AEDEAN Conference 2010 Almería AEDEAN Conference 2010 Almería AEDEAN Conference 2010 Almería AEDEAN Conference 2010 Almería AEDEAN Conference 2010 Almería AEDEAN Conference 2010 Almería

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