Master’s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention


The Master’s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention at UJA equips you to identify, assess and mitigate risks and harm to workers’ health.

Health and safety for workers is a very important issue for society, with huge economic repercussions. This is why effective training in Occupational Risk Prevention is vital to protect the labour market and workers’ occupational health.

The Master’s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention equips you to identify and assess risks and harm to workers’ health and draw on available resources to develop plans and programmes to improve their working conditions through targeted intervention. The syllabus uses problem-based learning to allow you to acquire the skills needed to practise your profession proficiently.

You will also be able to take advantage of the University of Jaén’s unique cross-disciplinary training programme and the range of activities offered in connection with this master’s programme to improve your personal development and professional prospects.

  • To ensure that all students on the course have the same basic knowledge in the areas that form the basis for postgraduate study in occupational risk prevention, despite coming from different undergraduate programmes.
  • To equip you with the knowledge, skills and abilities you need to practise high-level professional duties in the area of occupational risk prevention.
  • To allow you to acquire a specialisation in different aspects of non-medical preventive intervention (Safety at Work, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics, and Applied Psychosociology), which will equip you with the latest technological knowledge and enable you to access doctoral programmes when applicable.
  • To train you to identify and assess risks and harm to workers’ health and draw on available resources to develop plans and programmes to improve their working conditions through targeted intervention, etc.
  • To provide multidisciplinary methodological and/or practical training of broad relevance to your professional or research career.
  • To equip you with the skills needed to conduct research.

The course summary contains the full list of academic skills certified by the Master’s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention at the University of Jaén.

To take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the Master’s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention, applicants should be interested in occupational health and in improving their abilities to analyse information, make decisions and convey information. They should hold an undergraduate degree in Engineering, Social & Legal Sciences, Health Sciences or Basic Sciences, as well as having IT and English skills.

Admission. Due to the limited number of places on this programme, which has been set at 30 to guarantee quality teaching, a series of admission and selection criteria have been established. In the event that the number of applications exceeds the available places, the following selection criteria will be applied in addition to the possession of an undergraduate degree:

  • Academic record: 50%
  • Relevance of previous degree to course content: 25%

The academic record will be scored according to the relevance of applicants’ prior studies, with priority given to students with undergraduate training in technical fields, experimental sciences, health sciences or legal and social sciences. However, a maximum of 50% of the students may come from technical and experimental sciences backgrounds and 50% from health, social and legal sciences backgrounds. In the event that the quota reserved for each field is not filled, the places may be filled by students who exceed the other quota.

  • Professional experience: 20% (professionals who have already been accredited by the labour authority and are working in positions related to occupational risk prevention are likely to wish to pursue alternative studies)
  • Other merits (professional or academic): 5%

Pre-enrolment and allocation of places will be carried out in a centralised manner by the Andalusian Single District Commission. Up-to-date deadlines and procedures can be found on their website.

This link contains specific information from UJA about pre-enrolment and enrolment procedures, deadlines, fees, etc.

Los primeros días de cada inicio de curso la Universidad de Jaén organiza unas Jornadas de Acogida dirigidas a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso. Estas jornadas generales se complementan con una jornada específicamente orientada al alumnado de cada máster en la que, la coordinación del máster, antes del comienzo de las clases, realiza una sesión de recepción y orientación dirigida a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso con el fin de mostrar los recursos, herramientas y materiales que tanto la Universidad de Jaén como el máster pone a su disposición. Igualmente se ofrece información detallada de aspectos concretos del título (profesores, tutores, coordinadores, contenidos, horarios, metodologías, ritmos de trabajo, materiales, uso de la plataforma virtual, espacios docentes, etc.).

Se prevé ampliar el sistema de tutorías tradicional incorporando diferentes figuras y actividades que permitan garantizar y canalizar un seguimiento completo del alumnado.

Los tutores serán designados entre el profesorado del curso con más experiencia. Tendrán a su cargo a un grupo de alumnos y se ocuparán de realizar un seguimiento personal y continuo de ellos, observando su aprovechamiento, progreso y resolviendo sus dudas o problemas prácticos. Con ese propósito se convocarán reuniones periódicas y se realizará una tutoría colectiva con su grupo. Al mismo tiempo, se ocuparán de trasladar a otros profesores o especialistas las cuestiones de carácter más técnico que planteen sus alumnos. En definitiva, los tutores son el medio que permite integrar al alumnado en la globalidad del curso.

Se nombrarán, asimismo, coordinadores/as de asignaturas para unificar los contenidos teórico-prácticos en la docencia de asignaturas impartidas por varios profesores. También colaborarán en las funciones de tutoría especializada de la coordinación de módulo.

La dirección del Trabajo Fin de máster es la responsable de resolver los problemas prácticos que se planteen al alumnado al realizar este trabajo. Se elegirá en función de las temáticas de los trabajos y de los intereses del alumnado. Todas las interacciones entre el alumnado y el profesorado que surjan como consecuencia de las funciones anteriores se canalizarán a través de tutorías. Estas tendrán un horario y lugar predefinido en la programación.

En cuanto a la figura de Coordinación de Máster, tendrá la función de apoyar y procurar en todo momento la mejor integración y aprovechamiento académico por parte del alumnado, sin perjuicio de la posibilidad de establecer, conforme a la decisión que en cada caso pueda tomar el Centro, programas individualizados o personalizados de tutorización. Con el fin de promover la orientación profesional a los alumnos, la coordinación se mantendrá informada e informará, a través de los estudios de egresados elaborados por la Universidad, sobre las posibles proyecciones profesionales del alumnado. En este caso, su papel será ante todo la de dinamización y orientación.

The University of Jaén has adopted a policy aimed at optimising its human resources, which is facilitated by the size of its campuses and allows administrative, technical support and management services to be shared by all programmes. This policy to coordinate management of the teaching programmes delivered at each of the University of Jaén’s campuses (Las Lagunillas Campus and Linares Science & Technology Campus) ensures that general support can be provided for all programmes at the university and specific support for each individual programme by coordinating and organising the needs of each programme in such a way as to optimise the work of the human resources assigned to them.

The University of Jaén’s policy is to centralise the use of the spaces on the campus in order to optimise their occupation while meeting the specific needs of the courses delivered. These shared facilities will be used in part during this degree programme. Although they are not exclusively for use by the students on the programme, it is important to acknowledge their presence as the University allocates certain time slots and facilities to each degree programme from among the available classrooms, laboratories and IT rooms depending on the specific needs of the programmes and in coordination with the other courses taught at the University.

Additional information about University of Jaén facilities:

As well as the resources listed, the University of Jaén offers additional resources and services, which may be grouped into three main blocks: Library, ICT and Accessibility & Disability Services.

En el canal de Youtube del Centro de Estudios de Postgrado (CEP-UJA) se encuentran disponibles algunas de las conferencias impartidas por el centro dentro de su ciclo anual. Puedes acceder clicando en este enlace.

Academic Information

Academic information

Here you will find key information and all the links required to find out more about your master’s programme, summarising and supplementing the description provided in the summary of the master’s programme, which contains additional information.

Distribución del Plan de Estudios en créditos ECTS por tipo de materia
Obligatorias 42
Prácticas Externas 6
Trabajo Fin de Máster 12
Créditos totales 60


- Possess and understand knowledge providing a foundation or opportunity to develop and/or apply ideas in an original manner, particularly in research contexts.

- Apply the knowledge acquired and develop an ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar settings within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the area of study.

- Draw on knowledge to make complex judgements on the basis of information that may be incomplete or limited and requires reflection on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of these knowledge and judgements.

- Communicate conclusions and knowledge and the underlying reasons informing them to expert and non-expert audiences clearly and unambiguously.

- Possess the learning skills required to enable continued self-directed or independent study.


- Be able to analyse and synthesise information

- Be able to organise and plan

- Be able to use IT tools relating to the field of study

- Be able to manage information

- Problem solving

- Decision-making

- Team work

- Be able to work on interdisciplinary teams

- Be able to work in international contexts

- Interpersonal skills

- Critical reasoning skills

- Ethical commitment

- Professional commitment

- Participate in professional forums

- Engage in autonomous learning

- Be able to adapt to new situations

- Creativity

- Leadership

- Be familiar with other cultures and customs

- Entrepreneurial initiative and mindset

- Strive for quality

- Be aware of environmental issues

- Be able to update knowledge


- No information


- Be aware of the relationship between working conditions and health. Be aware of and analyse the main occupational health

problems. Be aware of the differences between work accidents, occupational diseases and work-related injuries.

- Be aware of the activities of the medical service and the principles of workplace health promotion. Learn to coordinate preventive activities and health surveillance activities. Train in first aid.

- Be aware of occupational health legislation and monitor modifications to this legislation. Understand the system of responsibilities involved in occupational risk prevention.

- Be aware of the structure of the preventive system: competent public bodies, mutual insurance companies, etc. Be familiar with the regional, national and European technical bodies relating to workplace health and safety.

- Be familiar with specific legislation and technical standards on workplace safety and possess sufficient technical knowledge to conduct risk assessments and suggest corrective measures to address hazards relating to the workplace, systems, equipment, fires and explosions. Be able to draw up an emergency plan.

- Be familiar with specific legislation and standards on industrial hygiene. Possess sufficient technical knowledge to conduct risk assessments and suggest corrective measures in response to chemical, physical or biological hazards.

- Be familiar with specific legislation and standards on ergonomics and applied psychosociology. Possess sufficient technical knowledge to conduct risk assessments and suggest corrective measures in response to risks relating to physical and mental workload in the workplace.

- Be familiar with prevention techniques: product safety, asset management and road safety.

- Be familiar with several communication techniques used in occupational risk prevention.

- Learn to design effective information activities.

- Learn to design training and information programmes for workers, including needs identification, evaluation systems and monitoring mechanisms.

- Be familiar with the principles of company organisation and management. Be familiar with the different models for incorporating prevention into company management. Be aware of the principles of quality management systems and the notion of preventive action as a continuous improvement activity that is part of a quality management system.

- Learn to draw up a prevention plan.

- Be aware of the main research techniques in occupational health. Learn to apply the epidemiological method to problem solving. Learn to design epidemiological studies to test hypotheses.

- Acquire knowledge of the principles of toxicology and apply them to contaminants in the workplace.

- Learn the principles, handling and applications of the main chemical analysis techniques in the field of hygiene.

- Be aware of technical solutions for designing and evaluating ventilation systems.

- Be aware of advanced techniques for evaluating and controlling noise and vibrations in industrial settings.

- Be aware of the transmission mechanisms and routes of entry of biological agents. Be aware of the main microbiology techniques applied to risk assessment. Learn to draw up biological waste management plans.

- Be aware of the main hygiene risks in the most representative productive sectors in the socioeconomic context: food industry, ceramic industry, metal industry, hospitality and other services.

- Be familiar with the characteristics of the construction sector in terms of accidents at work: organisational aspects and specific problems. Be aware of the relevant legislation and possess sufficient technical knowledge to evaluate the risks and suggest corrective measures. Learn to draw up construction safety plans.

- Be aware of the technical principles underpinning risk analysis and suggest corrective measures to address hazards at industrial facilities: electrical systems, pressurised containers or systems, flammable gas systems and storage of hazardous products.

- Be aware of the characteristics of the food sector when it comes to occupational risk prevention. Be aware of socioeconomic, organisational and technical aspects. Be aware of legislation on farming machinery and facilities and possess sufficient technical knowledge to evaluate the risks and suggest corrective measures.

- Be aware of the specific risks associated with industrial machinery. Be aware of the technical standards relating to safety, certification and supervisory systems. Learn to draft technical specifications to select machinery that is safe to operate and maintain.

- Be aware of the specific risks associated with work in the tertiary sector. Be aware of technical standards on office equipment, furniture and computing equipment. Learn to draft technical specifications for this equipment from a preventive perspective. Be aware of strategies to incorporate risk prevention into these types of activities.

- Be aware of techniques to detect psychosocial problems and develop intervention plans for sick organisations. Learn to prevent and detect psychosocial problems.

- Be aware of specific health and safety issues at work among vulnerable workers, such as young people, older workers, disabled workers and pregnant women. Learn techniques to balance workplace demands and workers’ capacity. Learn to adapt roles in the workplace and coordinate with the medical services to analyse individual cases.

- Be aware of the main instrumental techniques to assess fatigue and discomfort in the workplace. Learn to use software to evaluate ergonomic risks and design ergonomic work stations.

- Be aware of the process of user-centred design. Be aware of legislation on usability and its impact on safety.

- Be aware of the ergonomic requirements for hand tools. Learn to assess the comfort of personal protective equipment and identify selection criteria based on this factor.

Puedes consultar y descargar la información y documentos relativos al calendario horarios de este Máster haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

Puedes consultar los horarios de tutoría haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva)

El TFM incluye la presentación de una memoria y la defensa pública del trabajo realizado de acuerdo con las especificaciones descritas en la normativa TFM específica del Máster. Revisa esta normativa y la normativa sobre los másteres oficiales de la Universidad de Jaén.

Consulta y descarga la información específica del TFM de este Máster haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

In a context in which information, business and society in general are increasingly globalised, extending your training experience to other Spanish and foreign universities is key to improving your CV. In addition to the national mobility programmes available, the University of Jaén allows you to engage in international study through international mobility programmes with hundreds of universities around the world, modules in foreign languages, language training programmes, cultural exchanges and many more opportunities. These programmes will enhance your employability and place you in a better position on the labour market once you finish your studies.

El Suplemento Europeo al Título es el documento que acompaña al título universitario de carácter oficial y validez en todo el territorio nacional con la información unificada, personalizada para cada titulado universitario, sobre los estudios cursados, los resultados obtenidos, las capacidades profesionales adquiridas y el nivel de su titulación en el sistema nacional de educación superior.

Puedes obtener información sobre el procedimiento para obtenerlo haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

Complementary Study Programs

The University of Jaén is committed to an integral training of its students. On this page you will find complementary training activities that will allow you to configure a comprehensive curriculum that favors your employability and your professional and personal development. Check this page regularly because the information is continuously updated.

There are no programs of complementary studies that match the specified filter criteria.

Career Guidance

The study programme for the Master’s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention at the University of Jaén includes curricular internships for each of the three specialisations available to students: Safety at Work, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics, and Applied Psychosociology.

You can view and download information about curricular internships for this master’s programme here (the page will open in a new window).

Partner companies

The University of Jaén offers expert technical support for careers guidance via the Student Support Service.

The Master’s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention at the University of Jaén trains and qualifies students to work as Senior Technicians in Occupational Risk Prevention, in the specialist areas of Safety at Work, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics, and Applied Psychosociology, in accordance with Royal Decree 39/1997 of 17 January approving the Regulation on Prevention Services.

Graduates of the Master’s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention at the University of Jaén will be able to access professional opportunities such as:

  • Senior Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention
  • Consultant specialising in systems for managing health and safety at work
  • Trainer on occupational health and safety

The training provided by this master’s programme will also be very useful for students who wish to work in personnel or human resource management and staff training or who are responsible for executing technical projects, as it delivers technical training in implementing occupational health and safety measures when managing and leading staff in private companies or public institutions.

There is demand for these roles in both the public and private sector, with positions including:

  • Health and safety manager in public and private companies, as part of their in-house prevention departments
  • Personnel at external or pooled prevention services
  • Consultants in prevention and auditing and/or systems for managing health and safety at work
  • Trainers at all levels in the three preventive specialisations stipulated under applicable legislation on occupational risk prevention
  • Personnel in occupational risk prevention departments at mutual insurance companies collaborating with the Social Security system

This master’s degree also qualifies students to access the Doctoral Programme in Law (specialising in Labour and Social Security Law – Safety, Occupational Health and Occupational Risk Prevention) at the University of Jaén (

Access to regulated professions

This master’s degree qualifies students to work as Senior Technicians in Occupational Risk Prevention, in accordance with Royal Decree 39/1997 of 17 January approving the Regulation on Prevention Services.

Coordination and Quality

La Comisión de Coordinación Académica es el órgano colegiado de dirección y gestión académica del título, interactuando directamente con el alumnado, organizando la programación docente, el calendario y, en general, todos los procesos académicos que permitan un desarrollo óptimo de las enseñanzas. Asimismo, es la encargada de implementar los procesos de mejora continua de las enseñanzas que emanen de la aplicación del Sistema de Garantía de Calidad del título.

La Comisión de Coordinación Académica se ha fusionado con la Comisión de Garantía Interna de la Calidad del máster y asume todas las funciones de la misma a raíz de la implantación del sistema de Garantía de Calidad del Centro de Estudios de Postgrado.

Puedes consultar y descargar la información relativa a la Comisión de Coordinación Académica del Máster haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

La Comisión de Garantía de Calidad es responsable de las tareas de planificación y seguimiento del Sistema de Garantía de Calidad, creada para el diseño e implantación del SGC en el CEP-UJA.

  1. Verificar la planificación del SGC del Centro, de modo que se asegure el cumplimiento de los requisitos generales del Manual del SGC, de la Política de Calidad y los Objetivos del Centro y de los requisitos contemplados en los protocolos de evaluación externa de títulos (verificación, seguimiento, modificación, renovación de la acreditación), el de certificación de la implantación del sistema de garantía de calidad, así como otros que pudieran afectar al ámbito de actuación del CEP-UJA.

  2. Definir y revisar la política de calidad del CEP-UJA.

  3. Identificar y definir los objetivos estratégicos del CEP-UJA.

  4. Revisar periódicamente el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos del CEP-UJA.

  5. Realizar el seguimiento de la eficacia de los procesos incluidos en el SGC, analizando los valores alcanzados en los indicadores del SGC.

  6. Analizar el contenido de los informes externos de evaluación en informes internos generados en el SGC.

  7. Desarrollar y aplicar los mecanismos de control y mejora de la calidad de los títulos que están bajo el alcance del CEP-UJA.

  8. Revisar de forma periódica el plan de mejora del CEP-UJA.

  9. Revisar la información relacionada con CEP-UJA que está publicada en la web.

  10. Recabar y analizar periódicamente información sobre las necesidades de adecuación de las infraestructuras, de los recursos materiales y de los servicios prestados, atendiendo las características propias de cada titulación.

  11. Velar por el cumplimiento de la normativa aplicable sobre TFM en todas sus fases, recogiendo y analizando los resultados obtenidos de la gestión de TFM y proponiendo las acciones de mejora correspondientes.

  12. Elaborar aquellos informes atribuidos por el sistema de garantía de calidad o por los órganos de gobierno de la Universidad de Jaén.

  13. Coordinar la ejecución de la implantación, desarrollo y seguimiento del sistema de garantía de calidad del centro.

  14. Realizar aquellas otras funciones atribuidas en el sistema de garantía de calidad del centro.

Puedes consultar y descargar la información relativa a la Comisión de Garantía de Calidad del CEP haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

El sistema de garantía de calidad de la Universidad de Jaén se estructura en dos niveles de responsabilidad. Por una parte, a través del Vicerrectorado con competencias que coordina los procesos de evaluación de calidad de las titulaciones, departamentos y servicios y, por otra, del Centro responsable del título, que aplica su Sistema de Garantía de Calidad.

Puedes consultar y descargar el plan de mejora de este título haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

Todos los títulos oficiales de la Universidad de Jaén están sujetos a distintos procesos de evaluación realizados desde la Agencia para la Calidad Científica y Universitaria de Andalucía (ACCUA). Para acceder a los informes de evaluación de esta titulación relacionados con la verificación, modificación, seguimiento y renovación de la acreditación selecciónalo en la aplicación de informes de evaluación de títulos de la ACCUA.

En el espacio Indicadores clave SGC podrás encontrar información relevante para tu titulación (resultados académicos, de inserción laboral, de movilidad…). También puedes acceder a los resultados de satisfacción pinchando aquí. Puedes completar la información accediendo al anuario estadístico de la Universidad de Jaén.

Un elemento importante en el análisis de la calidad del título son los estudios sobre la inserción laboral de los titulados de la Universidad de Jaén, en los que podrás encontrar las salidas profesionales más habituales de las personas que cursaron este máster antes que tú.

La Comisión de Coordinación Académica del Máster ejercerá aquellas funciones que le asigne el Director o Directora Académica del Máster en el ejercicio de las funciones de coordinación y organización de las enseñanzas del Máster correspondiente. En este sentido, la Comisión de Coordinación Académica podrá desarrollar, entre otras tareas, la de planificación docente, coordinación de las asignaturas del plan de estudios, seguimiento de las actividades del plan de estudios, elaboración de horarios de clases, elaboración del calendario de exámenes, presentación de propuestas de mejora, así como de cualquier otra actuación relacionada con el Sistema de Garantía de Calidad del Centro de Estudios de Postgrado que aplica el título de Máster.

Puedes consultar y descargar la información y documentos relativos a los mecanismos de coordinación docente haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).