Intercollegiate Master’s Degree in Bilingual Education and Content and Language Integrated Learning


The Intercollegiate Master’s Degree in Bilingual Education and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a fully online programme that trains teachers to implement bilingual education at all levels of education.

The programme aims to improve students’ linguistic abilities by focusing on practical English for use in the bilingual classroom. Students can create customised pathways according to their level and the subjects they teach with the aim of achieving a B2 or C1 level in general English and familiarising themselves with the specific English they will need to deliver bilingual teaching in Natural Sciences, Biology and Geology; Social Sciences, Geography and History; Mathematics, Physics and Technology; Physical Education, Music and Art; or Infant and Primary Education. This practical part of the degree will be supplemented with key methodological aspects allowing participants to implement student-centred teaching methods, use new technologies in the bilingual classroom, develop CLIL materials, familiarise themselves with evaluation techniques in the bilingual classroom, and coordinate or organise CLIL programmes.

The programme differs from existing master’s degrees in the same area in many ways, making it a pioneer in its field (see link).

  • It is the first fully online intercollegiate master’s programme (with the collaboration of two Andalusian public universities) on bilingual education.
  • It focuses specifically on CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), the concrete model of bilingual teaching used in Europe, Spain and Andalusia (and increasingly in Latin America and Asia), guaranteeing its relevance and usefulness in the current educational context.
  • It is the first master’s programme to feature a structure and content based on the latest research findings on teacher training needs in bilingual teaching in Spain and Andalusia, including three research projects commissioned by the Ministry of Education and the Andalusian Regional Government (with a sample size of almost 5,000 respondents).
  • The programme is also the first to apply the macro-framework for bilingual teacher training from the European Centre for Modern Languages and the main national and international taxonomies of competencies required by new teachers in bilingual settings at the micro-level (Spain and Andalusia).
  • Unlike other master’s courses, the programme is aimed at teachers involved in bilingual teaching at all levels of education, making its content eminently practical and grounded in reality. The overarching aim is to equip teachers with specific, practical skills to implement bilingual programmes, rather than focusing solely on theoretical aspects of bilingual education.
  • The course is taught by a team of lecturers from Andalusian and European universities who are prominent in the field of bilingual education (including Dr. David Marsh, who coined the term CLIL in 1996).
  • Finally, it will be the first master’s programme to collaborate with a prestigious international publishing company that produces materials for bilingual teaching nationwide: Oxford University Press. The publishing company will supply native English teaching staff specialising in bilingual education, as well as materials for teaching the main subject areas in the target language.

The Intercollegiate Master’s Degree in Bilingual Education and Content and Language Integrated Learning aims to equip students to:

  • Be aware of the characteristics, similarities and differences between immersion, bilingual education and CLIL.
  • Use English at a B2 or C1 level across the four skills areas and be familiar with the sublanguages present in their discipline (Natural Sciences, Biology and Geology; Social Sciences, Geography and History; Mathematics, Physics and Technology; Physical Education, Music and Art; or Infant and Primary Education).
  • Be familiar with the main findings of research into these types of programmes and the main associations, networks and publications relating to them so that they can continue learning throughout their careers.
  • Be aware of how bilingual schools are organised and how they should be coordinated.
  • Teach a non-linguistic subject in their field through the medium of English.
  • Apply student-centred communicative methodologies in the CLIL classroom, such as project-based learning, task-based language teaching and cooperative learning.
  • Design integrated curricula for their subject containing linguistic content and draw up bilingual teaching programmes.
  • Use the European Language Portfolio in the bilingual classroom.
  • Create and adapt teaching materials for bilingual education, transforming authentic material into teaching material and adjusting the source language level.
  • Incorporate new teaching strategies, new materials and new information technologies into bilingual education, harnessing the flow of information they offer for educational purposes.
  • Evaluate linguistic and non-linguistic content in bilingual education in a coordinated manner.

The degree summary contains the full list of academic comeptencies certified by the Master’s Degree in Bilingual Education and CLIL.

To take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the Intercollegiate Master’s Degree in Bilingual Education and CLIL, applicants should hold a university degree and seek to acquire specialised training in bilingual teaching/CLIL in any discipline or subject taught at the different levels of education. The programme is aimed at in-service teachers or recent graduates who intend to apply to vacancies across the different European bilingual education networks. Whereas existing master’s programmes in this area tend to demand a B2 or C1 level, the Intercollegiate Master’s Degree in Bilingual Education and CLIL is more realistic about the current level in these groups and requires applicants to accredit a B1. It aims to improve students’ level through B2 and C1 language modules and specific English lessons for different subject areas.

In line with Article 17 of Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29 October, modified by Royal Decree 861/2010, all aspects relating to admission (admission criteria, organisation conducting the admission process and its composition, criteria for assessing merit and admission tests, etc.) are set annually by the Department of Economy, Innovation and Science of the Andalusian Regional Government via publication of the corresponding agreement approving and publicising the procedure for managing admission to master’s courses at public universities in Andalusia.

In the case of this master’s programme and given its particular characteristics, admission requirements have been drawn up on the basis of applicants’ existing qualifications and applicants are classified within each category according to their final grade. The groups are as follows:



  • Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education (any major)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Infant Education (any major)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Education (any specialisation)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Physics
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Physics and Mathematics
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computing and Mathematics
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Biology
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Geology
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Geography
  • Bachelor’s Degree in History
  • Bachelor’s Degree in History of Art
  • Bachelor’s Degree in History, Geography and History of Art
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Music
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Education
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Psychology
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computing
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic Engineering
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Roads, Canals and Ports Engineering
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Building Engineering
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Technical Architecture
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Economics
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Science
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Science
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Law
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Theology
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing


  • Bachelor’s Degree in English Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in English Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in English Language and Literature
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Philology: English
  • Bachelor’s Degree in English
  • Bachelor’s Degree in English and Catalan Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in English and Classical Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in English and Spanish Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in English and French Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Language and Literature
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Languages
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Interpreting
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Translation
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Languages and Translation
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Intercultural Mediation
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics
  • Bachelor’s Degree in German Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Philology
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Languages
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics and Applied Languages
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Social Education


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Arabic Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Catalan Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Classical Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Slavic Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in French Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Galician Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Hebrew Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Hispanic Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Italian Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Portuguese Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Romance Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Basque Studies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Romance Languages, Literatures and Cultures
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities

Nb. Given the large number of undergraduate degrees allowing access to teaching positions in bilingual schools, we will also consider applicants with degrees that do not feature on this list and that equip the applicant to teach thematic and linguistic topics in English.

The scope of this master’s programme is international in nature and qualifications from other countries and university systems corresponding to an undergraduate degree in terms of the number of credits obtained, covering similar thematic content and resulting in a similar outcome to the qualifications mentioned in this section will be considered equivalent for admission to the programme in the high, medium and low-preference groups. The qualifications allowing access to this master’s programme are listed in the Registry of Universities, Centres and Qualifications (RUCT) at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

The English certificates accepted for admission to the programme are listed on the website of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Modern Languages at the University of Jaén. This list is updated periodically and is recognised by all universities in Andalusia. The list can be consulted at the following link:

The qualifications listed by the Association of Language Centres in Higher Education (ACLES) at the following links will also be accepted: (tables of international certificates accepted by ACLES) and (exams from language centres at Spanish universities).

Finally, the English certificates listed by the linguistic policy committee at the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) will also be admitted. They can be found at the following link:


Admission to the master’s programme will be based solely on the average grade obtained by applicants during their undergraduate studies, which will be taken from their academic transcript. In the event that students must be selected, the procedures established for other official master’s programmes at UJA will be followed. These are based on the deadlines and procedures set out by the Andalusian Single District with regard to the different phases of admission following pre-enrolment and the existence of high, medium and low-preference access. Within these preference groups, applicants will be selected, where necessary, on the basis of their average grade at undergraduate level (70%) and their CV (30% for other merits). These scores will be evaluated by an Academic Coordination Committee for the master’s programme, made up of the programme coordinator, four members of teaching staff who will coordinate each of the three modules and the MA dissertation, and a representative from the support staff. The committee will take into consideration all merits presented by applicants, especially those relating to language training and future employability.

Pre-enrolment and allocation of places will be carried out in a centralised manner by the Andalusian Single District Commission. Updated deadlines and procedures can be found on their website.

This link contains specific information from UJA about pre-enrolment and enrolment procedures, deadlines, fees, etc.

Los primeros días de cada inicio de curso la Universidad de Jaén organiza unas Jornadas de Acogida dirigidas a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso. Estas jornadas generales se complementan con una jornada específicamente orientada al alumnado de cada máster en la que, la coordinación del máster, antes del comienzo de las clases, realiza una sesión de recepción y orientación dirigida a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso con el fin de mostrar los recursos, herramientas y materiales que tanto la Universidad de Jaén como el máster pone a su disposición. Igualmente se ofrece información detallada de aspectos concretos del título (profesores, tutores, coordinadores, contenidos, horarios, metodologías, ritmos de trabajo, materiales, uso de la plataforma virtual, espacios docentes, etc.).

Se prevé ampliar el sistema de tutorías tradicional incorporando diferentes figuras y actividades que permitan garantizar y canalizar un seguimiento completo del alumnado.

Los tutores serán designados entre el profesorado del curso con más experiencia. Tendrán a su cargo a un grupo de alumnos y se ocuparán de realizar un seguimiento personal y continuo de ellos, observando su aprovechamiento, progreso y resolviendo sus dudas o problemas prácticos. Con ese propósito se convocarán reuniones periódicas y se realizará una tutoría colectiva con su grupo. Al mismo tiempo, se ocuparán de trasladar a otros profesores o especialistas las cuestiones de carácter más técnico que planteen sus alumnos. En definitiva, los tutores son el medio que permite integrar al alumnado en la globalidad del curso.

Se nombrarán, asimismo, coordinadores/as de asignaturas para unificar los contenidos teórico-prácticos en la docencia de asignaturas impartidas por varios profesores. También colaborarán en las funciones de tutoría especializada de la coordinación de módulo.

La dirección del Trabajo Fin de máster es la responsable de resolver los problemas prácticos que se planteen al alumnado al realizar este trabajo. Se elegirá en función de las temáticas de los trabajos y de los intereses del alumnado. Todas las interacciones entre el alumnado y el profesorado que surjan como consecuencia de las funciones anteriores se canalizarán a través de tutorías. Estas tendrán un horario y lugar predefinido en la programación.

En cuanto a la figura de Coordinación de Máster, tendrá la función de apoyar y procurar en todo momento la mejor integración y aprovechamiento académico por parte del alumnado, sin perjuicio de la posibilidad de establecer, conforme a la decisión que en cada caso pueda tomar el Centro, programas individualizados o personalizados de tutorización. Con el fin de promover la orientación profesional a los alumnos, la coordinación se mantendrá informada e informará, a través de los estudios de egresados elaborados por la Universidad, sobre las posibles proyecciones profesionales del alumnado. En este caso, su papel será ante todo la de dinamización y orientación.

The policy of the University of Jaén is to centralise the use of the spaces on the campus in order to optimise their occupation while meeting the specific needs of the courses delivered. These shared facilities will be used in part during this degree programme. This general equipment will be used partially during the running of the course. Thus, although it is not of specific use for the students of the degree, it is essential to indicate its presence, since of all the classrooms, laboratories and computer rooms available, the University specifies each course the spaces and time slots that will be used for each training activity within each degree, depending on its needs and in coordination with the other degrees taught at the institution.

Additional information about University of Jaén facilities:

In addition to the specified resources, the University of Jaén has additional material resources and services that can be grouped into three large blocks that deserve a special mention: Library, ICTs, and universal accessibility services and attention to students with disabilities.

Oxford University Press. This prestigious international publishing company will supply native English teaching staff specialising in bilingual education, as well as materials for teaching the main areas of content in the target language.

Academic Information

Aquí encontrarás los detalles fundamentales y todos los enlaces necesarios para conocer la organización de tu máster, resumiendo y complementando la descripción recogida en la memoria del máster, donde podrás encontrar información adicional.







Trabajo fin de máster


Créditos totales

Distribución del Plan de Estudios en créditos ECTS por tipo de materia


Créditos ECTS

Asignaturas y créditos ECTS



  • What is CLIL? Origins, definition, and characterization (4)
  • Coordination and organization of CLIL programmes (4)
  • CLIL research and networks (4)



  • Student centered methodologies and ICTs for CLIL teaching (6)
  • CLIL materials development (6)
  • Principles of integrated and intercultural curriculum design (6)
  • Evaluation and assessment in CLIL programmes (6)


12 (de un total de 24)


  • “Real English” for communicative interaction in the CLIL classroom (3)
  • Instrumental English: B2 (3)
  • Instrumental English: C1 (3)
  • Instrumental English for Infant Education (3)
  • Instrumental English for Natural Science, Biology, and Geology (3)
  • Instrumental English for Social Science, Geography, and History (3)
  • Instrumental English for Mathematics, Physics, and Technology (3)
  • Instrumental English for Physical Education, Music, and Arts (3)



- TFM (12)



  • Possess and understand knowledge providing a foundation or opportunity to develop and/or apply ideas in an original manner, particularly in research contexts.
  • Apply the knowledge acquired and develop an ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar settings within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the area of study.
  • Integrate knowledge and tackle complex judgements on the basis of information which may be incomplete or limited, including reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of this knowledge and judgements.
  • Communicate conclusions and knowledge and the underlying reasons informing them to expert and non-expert audiences clearly and unambiguously.
  • Undertake self-directed or independent study.


  • Understand and use information and communications technology in the context of bilingual teaching and CLIL.
  • Understand and apply local, regional, national and international rules and regulations in the field of bilingual teaching and CLIL.
  • Understand and be able to apply research tools in the field of bilingual teaching and CLIL.
  • Understand, analyse and evaluate theories, results and developments in bilingual teaching and CLIL in the target language, as well as in the mother tongue.


  • Understand, respect and promote human rights, fundamental rights, culture of peace and democracy, basic mechanisms for citizen participation, environmental sustainability and responsible consumption.
  • Understand and apply the policies and practices of support for disadvantaged social groups and incorporate the principles of gender equality and universal accessibility and design into their field of study.
  • Know and apply tools for the active pursuit of employment and the development of entrepreneurial projects.
  • Develop an aptitude for cooperative work, team work and negotiation and adopt the values of cooperation, hard work, respect and commitment to quality as an inherent part of their identity.
  • Analyse, critically reason, think creatively and evaluate their own learning process, discussing their own and others’ ideas assertively and in a structured manner.


  • Teach a non-linguistic subject in their field through the medium of English.
  • Apply student-centred communicative methodologies in the CLIL classroom, such as project-based learning, task-based language teaching and cooperative learning.
  • Be aware of the characteristics, similarities and differences between immersion, bilingual education and CLIL.
  • Be familiar with the main findings of research into these types of programmes and the main associations, networks and publications relating to them for the purposes of continuous learning.
  • Be aware of how bilingual schools are organised and how they should be coordinated.
  • Design integrated curricula for their subject containing linguistic content and draw up bilingual teaching programmes.
  • Create and adapt teaching materials for bilingual education, transforming authentic material into teaching material and adjusting the target language level.
  • Incorporate new teaching strategies, new materials and new information technologies into bilingual education, harnessing the flow of information they offer for educational purposes.
  • Use English at a B2 or C1 level across the four skills areas and be familiar with the sublanguages present in their discipline.







What is CLIL? Origins, definition, and characterization



Mª Luisa Pérez Cañado (2)

David Marsh (2)

Raúl Oliveira Albuquerque Paraná (4)


Coordination and organization of CLIL programmes



Víctor Pavón Vázquez (4)




Ana Almagro Esteban (3)

Nina Karen Lancaster (3)

Macarena Navarro Pablo (6)


CLIL materials development



Ana Mª Ortega Cebreros (3)

Francisco Javier Ávila López (3)




Mª Luisa Pérez Cañado


Instrumental English: B2



Martin Bounds


Instrumental English: C1



Martin Bounds


Instrumental English for Infant Education



Diego Rascón Moreno


CLIL research and networks



Antonio Bueno González (2)

Daniel Madrid Fernández (2)

Alberto Fernández Costales (4)


Principles of integrated and intercultural curriculum design



Antonio Vicente Casas Pedrosa (3)

Natividad Martínez Marín (3)

Yiyi López Gándara (6)


Evaluation and assessment in CLIL programmes



José Fernando Martín Villena (3)

Carmen Plata Luque (3)

Xabier San Isidro-Smith (6)




Donna Lee Fields




Ana Demitroff


Instrumental English for Mathematics, Physics, and Technology



Ana Demitroff




Donna Lee Fields


MA Thesis



El TFM incluye la presentación de una memoria y la defensa pública del trabajo realizado de acuerdo con las especificaciones descritas en la normativa TFM específica del Máster. Revisa esta normativa y la normativa sobre los másteres oficiales de la Universidad de Jaén.

Puedes consultar y descargar información y documentos relativos al Trabajo Fin de Máster haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

In a context in which information, business and society in general are increasingly globalised, extending your training experience to other Spanish and foreign universities improving your CV is a key requirement. In addition to the available national mobility programmes, the University of Jaén allows you to engage in international study through international mobility programmes with hundreds of universities around the world, modules in foreign languages, language training programmes, cultural exchanges and many more opportunities. These programmes will enhance your employability and will place you in a better position on the labour market once you finish your studies.

El Suplemento Europeo al Título es el documento que acompaña al título universitario de carácter oficial y validez en todo el territorio nacional con la información unificada, personalizada para cada titulado universitario, sobre los estudios cursados, los resultados obtenidos, las capacidades profesionales adquiridas y el nivel de su titulación en el sistema nacional de educación superior.

Puedes obtener información sobre el procedimiento para obtenerlo haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

Complementary Study Programs

The University of Jaén is committed to an integral training of its students. On this page you will find complementary training activities that will allow you to configure a comprehensive curriculum that favors your employability and your professional and personal development. Check this page regularly because the information is continuously updated.

There are no programs of complementary studies that match the specified filter criteria.

Career Guidance

La Universidad de Jaén es consciente de que la práctica laboral es una parte fundamental de tu preparación como profesional, ofreciéndote una buena cantidad de opciones para el desarrollo de prácticas externas extracurriculares, nuestros programas de apoyo a las actividades de emprendimiento, o nuestro programa Ícaro. Consulta además el Plan de Apoyo a la Transferencia del Conocimiento, el Emprendimiento y la Empleabilidad de la Universidad de Jaén y sus convocatorias asociadas donde encontrarás multitud de oportunidades para facilitar tu incorporación al mundo laboral.

  • This master’s programme does not automatically qualify graduates for professional practice.
  • It qualifies graduates for admission to doctoral programmes.
  • The content delivered during the programme aims to equip students with a series of highly useful, innovative skills for teaching in bilingual programmes. In this regard, it provides comprehensive training for teachers from bilingual schools where a second language is used to teach official curricula.

This training covers:

  • Linguistic theory to explain the theoretical underpinnings of bilingual education.
  • Language teaching methodology for use in the classroom.
  • Language training for teachers to equip them to use English at bilingual centres, based on the L2 standard in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). This language training will focus on the practical use of oral and written skills in the registers and areas relevant to communication and interaction in the classroom and to the content of the subjects to be taught using the target language.

Coordination and Quality

La Comisión de Coordinación Académica es el órgano colegiado de dirección y gestión académica del título, interactuando directamente con el alumnado, organizando la programación docente, el calendario y, en general, todos los procesos académicos que permitan un desarrollo óptimo de las enseñanzas. Asimismo, es la encargada de implementar los procesos de mejora continua de las enseñanzas que emanen de la aplicación del Sistema de Garantía de Calidad del título.

La Comisión de Coordinación Académica se ha fusionado con la Comisión de Garantía Interna de la Calidad del máster y asume todas las funciones de la misma a raíz de la implantación del Sistema de Garantía de Calidad del Centro de Estudios de Postgrado.

Puedes consultar y descargar la información relativa a la Comisión de Coordinación Académica del Máster haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

La Comisión de Garantía de Calidad del Centro de Estudios de Postgrado es responsable de las tareas de planificación y seguimiento del Sistema de Garantía de Calidad, creada para el diseño e implantación del SGC en el CEP-UJA.

Son funciones de esta Comisión las siguientes:

  1. Verificar la planificación del SGC del Centro, de modo que se asegure el cumplimiento de los requisitos generales del Manual del SGC, de la Política de Calidad y los Objetivos del Centro y de los requisitos contemplados en los protocolos de evaluación externa de títulos (verificación, seguimiento, modificación, renovación de la acreditación), el de certificación de la implantación del sistema de garantía de calidad, así como otros que pudieran afectar al ámbito de actuación del CEP-UJA.
  2. Definir y revisar la política de calidad del CEP-UJA.
  3. Identificar y definir los objetivos estratégicos del CEP-UJA.
  4. Revisar periódicamente el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos del CEP-UJA.
  5. Realizar el seguimiento de la eficacia de los procesos incluidos en el SGC, analizando los valores alcanzados en los indicadores del SGC.
  6. Analizar el contenido de los informes externos de evaluación en informes internos generados en el SGC.
  7. Desarrollar y aplicar los mecanismos de control y mejora de la calidad de los títulos que están bajo el alcance del CEP-UJA.
  8. Revisar de forma periódica el plan de mejora del CEP-UJA.
  9. Revisar la información relacionada con CEP-UJA que está publicada en la web.
  10. Recabar y analizar periódicamente información sobre las necesidades de adecuación de las infraestructuras, de los recursos materiales y de los servicios prestados, atendiendo las características propias de cada titulación.
  11. Velar por el cumplimiento de la normativa aplicable sobre TFM en todas sus fases, recogiendo y analizando los resultados obtenidos de la gestión de TFM y proponiendo las acciones de mejora correspondientes.
  12. Elaborar aquellos informes atribuidos por el sistema de garantía de calidad o por los órganos de gobierno de la Universidad de Jaén.
  13. Coordinar la ejecución de la implantación, desarrollo y seguimiento del sistema de garantía de calidad del centro.
  14. Realizar aquellas otras funciones atribuidas en el sistema de garantía de calidad del centro.

Puedes consultar y descargar la información relativa a la Comisión de Garantía de Calidad del CEP haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

Puedes consultar y descargar los documentos relativos a la desaparecida Comisión de Garantía Interna de la Calidad del Máster haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

El Sistema de Garantía de Calidad del Centro de Estudios de Postgrado establece mecanismos para definir, aprobar y revisar de forma periódica la política de calidad y objetivos estratégicos del mismo, alineados con la estrategia de la Universidad de Jaén. Asimismo, el objeto del Sistema de Garantía de Calidad implantado en el Centro de Estudios de Postgrado es generar confianza en la institución y en su capacidad para proporcionar una formación que garantice satisfacer las necesidades y expectativas de los estudiantes y la sociedad. Esta confianza estará sustentada en la transparencia de la información pública y la rendición de cuentas.

El alcance del Sistema de Garantía de Calidad del CEP-UJA incluye a todos los títulos oficiales de la Universidad de Jaén asignados al Centro de Estudios de Postgrado.

Puedes consultar y descargar el plan de mejora de este título y, en su caso, otros documentos relativos al SGIC haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

Todos los títulos oficiales de la Universidad de Jaén están sujetos a distintos procesos de evaluación realizados desde la Dirección de Evaluación y Acreditación (DEVA) de la Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento. Para acceder a los informes de evaluación de esta titulación relacionados con la verificación, modificación, seguimiento y renovación de la acreditación, selecciónalo en la aplicación de informes de evaluación de títulos de la DEVA.

Puedes consultar y descargar los informes relativos al título haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

En el espacio Indicadores clave SGC podrás encontrar información relevante para tu titulación (resultados académicos, de inserción laboral, de movilidad…). También puedes acceder a los resultados de satisfacción pinchando aquí. Puedes completar la información accediendo al anuario estadístico de la Universidad de Jaén.

Un elemento importante en el análisis de la calidad del título son los estudios sobre la inserción laboral de los titulados de la Universidad de Jaén, en los que podrás encontrar las salidas profesionales más habituales de las personas que cursaron este máster antes que tú.

Puedes consultar y descargar otros datos sobre la inserción laboral de los egresados de este título haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

La Comisión de Coordinación Académica del Máster ejercerá aquellas funciones que le asigne el Director o Directora Académica del Máster en el ejercicio de las funciones de coordinación y organización de las enseñanzas del Máster correspondiente. En este sentido, la Comisión de Coordinación Académica podrá desarrollar, entre otras tareas, la de planificación docente, coordinación de las asignaturas del plan de estudios, seguimiento de las actividades del plan de estudios, elaboración de horarios de clases, elaboración del calendario de exámenes, presentación de propuestas de mejora, así como de cualquier otra actuación relacionada con el Sistema de Garantía de Calidad del Centro de Estudios de Postgrado que aplica el título de Máster.

Puedes consultar y descargar la información y documentos relativos a los mecanismos de coordinación docente haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).