Call for applications Training grants Vice-rectorate of Internationalization of the University of Jaén 2020

Academic Year
Call Status


3 scholarships for practical training in the Vice-rectorate of Internationalization are announced for students who are studying an official degree or postgraduate course at the University of Jaén.


  • To be registered in the academic year in which you apply for the scholarship in one of the following

    • Degree in Tourism.

    • Degree in Business Administration and

    • Double Degree in Business Administration and Law.

    • Master in Business Administration MBA.

  • Have passed a minimum of 50% of the credits for these studies.

  • Or, take a second cycle degree.

Selection criteria

Average grade of the academic record (60% of the total) and a personal interview with those who are most highly valued (40% of the total).


The deadline for submitting applications will be from 16 January 2020 to 7 February 2020 (both inclusive).