The Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Management Engineering at UJA equips you to manage, organise and direct manufacturing facilities to an excellent standard of efficiency, quality, performance and productivity.
This bachelor’s programme is accredited by the European Network for the Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) via the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and holds the EUR-ACE® international quality label.
Industrial Management engineering is hugely important in the industrial and services sector, where managers with extensive technical training are needed. This degree programme will train you to carry out these activities in a competitive, sustainable manner, promoting improvement and innovation in products, services, technological processes and organisational models.
The first two years are common to all degree programmes in Industrial Engineering and are made up of basic Engineering modules and more specific Industrial Engineering modules. This gives you the opportunity to switch to another programme if you decide you prefer to specialise in a different area after having started your course. The remaining two years are made up of specific Industrial Organisation courses. All courses are updated to reflect the latest technological developments and contain a sizeable practical component. It is also possible to study part of the programme abroad and to complete an internship in a company working in the sector. This will ensure a smooth transition as you enter the labour market, allow you to adapt to the ongoing changes taking place in the field.
The Higher Polytechnic School also offers the opportunity to complete a Double Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management Engineering, which will improve your career prospects still further.
You will also be able to take advantage of the University of Jaén's unique cross-disciplinary training programme and the range of activities offered in connection with this bachelor’s programme to improve your personal development and professional prospects.
Double undergraduate programmes
The Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Management Engineering is also available as a joint programme with the Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering taught at the Higher Polytechnic School of Jaén.
- To train you to plan, design, oversee, execute and manage all activities involved in industrial Management engineering.
- To provide you with comprehensive training in key concepts and technologies and equip you to learn new methods and theories, as well as to apply information and communication technologies to the field of Industrial Management Engineering.
- To train you in basic principles of business administration and management, as well as to encourage you to innovate in the field of Industrial Management Engineering.
- To train you as a responsible professional who takes an ethical approach to problem-solving and decision-making, applying creativity and critical reasoning at all times.
- To train you to work in multidisciplinary teams in international environments, as well as to communicate and convey knowledge, developments and results in the field of Industrial Management Engineering.
The course summary contains the full list of academic skills certified by the Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Management Engineering at the University of Jaén.
To take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Management Engineering, the ideal applicant is someone with an interest in engineering; a curiosity for science; an ability to adapt to new situations; analytical and problem-solving skills; planning and decision-making skills, and strong social and ethical engagement. If you also have a good grounding in mathematics, physics, chemistry and technical drawing, success is practically guaranteed.
Pre-enrolment and allocation of places will be carried out in a centralised manner by the Andalusian Single District Commission. Up-to-date deadlines and procedures can be found on their website.
This link contains specific information from UJA about pre-enrolment and enrolment procedures, deadlines, fees, etc.
- Master's degree in Industrial Engineering
- Master's degree in Mechatronic Engineering
- Master's degree in Materials Engineering and Sustainable Construction
- Master's degree in Land Transportation and Logistics
- Master's degree in Renewable Energy
- Master in Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Industry
- Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
- Master's degree in Secondary Teacher Training (Compulsory and Post-Compulsory Secondary Schools, Vocational Schools, Language Schools)
The University of Jaén’s policy is to centralise the use of the spaces on the campus in order to optimise their occupation while meeting the specific needs of the courses delivered. These shared facilities will be used in part during this degree programme. Although they are not exclusively for use by the students on the programme, it is important to acknowledge their presence as the University allocates certain time slots and facilities to each degree programme from among the available classrooms, laboratories and IT rooms depending on the specific needs of the programmes and in coordination with the other courses taught at the University.
Additional information about University of Jaén facilities:
As well as the resources listed, the University of Jaén offers additional material resources and services, which may be grouped into three main blocks: Library, ICT and Accessibility & Disability Services.
Academic Information
This section contains important information and all the links you need to find out more about your degree programme, condensing and supplementing the description provided in the course summary, where you will find additional information.
Once you have completed your enrolment, you will be able to visit the Virtual Teaching-Learning Platform (PLATEA) for your course, where you will find extra materials and information.
Formación Básica | 60 |
Obligatorias | 138 |
Optativas | 30 |
Trabajo fin de Grado | 12 |
Créditos totales | 240 |
El Suplemento Europeo al Título es el documento que acompaña al título universitario de carácter oficial y validez en todo el territorio nacional con la información unificada, personalizada para cada titulado universitario, sobre los estudios cursados, los resultados obtenidos, las capacidades profesionales adquiridas y el nivel de su titulación en el sistema nacional de educación superior.
Puedes obtener información sobre el procedimiento para obtenerlo haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).
La docencia en las asignaturas de todos los grados de la Universidad de Jaén está adscrita a sus Departamentos y estos son responsables, por ejemplo, de seleccionar el profesorado que imparte una determinada asignatura, o de la revisión de la calificación final de tu examen en los casos previstos por el Reglamento de régimen académico y de evaluación del alumnado de la Universidad de Jaén.
Para conocer qué Departamento de la Universidad de Jaén es responsable de una asignatura consulta su guía docente.
Complementary Study Programs
The University of Jaén is committed to an integral training of its students. On this page you will find complementary training activities that will allow you to configure a comprehensive curriculum that favors your employability and your professional and personal development. Check this page regularly because the information is continuously updated.
There are no programs of complementary studies that match the specified filter criteria.
Career Guidance
The University of Jaén offers expert technical support for careers guidance via the Student Support Service
La Universidad de Jaén es consciente de que la práctica laboral es una parte fundamental de tu preparación como profesional, ofreciéndote una buena cantidad de opciones para el desarrollo de tus prácticas curriculares que puedes consultar en la página web de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Jáen. No dejes de consultar además las posibilidades que te abrimos de desarrollar prácticas externas extracurriculares, nuestros programas de apoyo a las actividades de emprendimiento, o nuestro programa Ícaro. Consulta además el Plan de Apoyo a la Transferencia del Conocimiento, el Emprendimiento y la Empleabilidad de la Universidad de Jaén y sus convocatorias asociadas donde encontrarás multitud de oportunidades para facilitar tu incorporación al mundo laboral.
For more information about the professional opportunities offered by this bachelor’s programme, click here (the page will open in a new window).
Todos los títulos oficiales de la Universidad de Jaén están sujetos a distintos procesos de evaluación realizados desde la Dirección de Evaluación y Acreditación (DEVA) de la Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento. Para acceder a los informes de evaluación de esta titulación relacionados con la verificación, modificación, seguimiento y renovación de la acreditación, selecciónalo en la aplicación de informes de evaluación de títulos de la DEVA.
Puedes consultar y descargar los informes relativos al título haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).
En el espacio Indicadores clave SGC podrás encontrar información relevante para tu titulación (resultados académicos, de inserción laboral, de movilidad…). También puedes acceder a los resultados de satisfacción pinchando aquí. Puedes completar la información accediendo al anuario estadístico de la Universidad de Jaén.
Un elemento importante en el análisis de la calidad del título son los estudios sobre la inserción laboral de los titulados de la Universidad de Jaén, en los que podrás encontrar las salidas profesionales más habituales de las personas que cursaron este grado antes que tú.