Facilities and services of the University of Jaén


Sports facilities

The University of Jaén has the following sports facilities, distributed between the Campus de las Lagunillas in Jaén and the Scientific-Technological Campus in Linares. More information in the Regulations for the use of the Sports Facilities of the University of Jaén.

Find out more about the sport services and opportunities for the academic year 2024/2025:

Link: https://www.ujaen.es/cultura-y-deporte/ujadeporte

UJA Library

In this section, you will find everything related to the University of Jaén Library and useful links about its services, available at both campuses in modern buildings. Among the spaces it includes, the CRAI.lab (Jaén Campus) stands out as a collaborative space where you can find recording studios, group work areas, booths etc. Additionally, you can book spaces directly through the service’s website

Link to service: https://www.ujaen.es/servicios/biblio/

CRAI.lab Jaén: https://www.ujaen.es/servicios/biblio/crailab

Linares: https://www.ujaen.es/servicios/biblio/conocenos/biblioteca-linares

Dining rooms and cafeteria

Jaén: Multipurpose Building C4 and Multipurpose Building D1 Rafael Zabaleta.

Linares: General Services Building

Link: https://www.ujaen.es/la-universidad/comedores-universitarios

University Services:

Psychology office:

The Psychology Office is the psychological care service of the University of Jaén. The main objective is to respond to the psychological demands that arise in our university community, through three lines of work: 1) to offer psychological health care; 2) to promote the training of students and professionals in the basic skills for the practice of psychology, and 3) to promote research in the field of applied psychology.

Link: https://www.ujaen.es/servicios/gpsicologia/

Student help and support service:

Link: https://www.ujaen.es/servicios/sayae/sobre-el-servicio/servicio-de-atencion-y-ayudas-al-estudiante

University Ombudsman:

Link: https://www.ujaen.es/servicios/defensor/

Complementary Training:

Link: https://www.ujaen.es/gobierno/vicest/vida-estudiantil/formacion-complem…


Link (other services): https://www.ujaen.es/servicios/servinfo/contactos-uja/otros-servicios

  • Reprographics Customer Service 953 213 308
  • Reprographics Building B2 Library 953 213 308
  • Reprographics Building B4 Flores de Lemus Lecture Hall 953 213 308
  • Reprography Building A4 Cesáreo Rodríguez Aguilera Lecture Hall 953 213 308

Equality Unit:

The University is an essential part for the development of a fairer and more egalitarian society.. Link: https://www.ujaen.es/servicios/uigualdad/

Green classroom:

It is a space where environmental problems of the University are detected, the whole community is informed and an integral sustainable development of our campuses is sought, disseminating and promoting formulas for solutions to the problems that arise.

Link: https://www.ujaen.es/servicios/aulaverde/

Link to all services: https://www.ujaen.es/en/servicios